Tag Archive for mercury

The ‘TAL’ Zone Report #4: DRAGONS IN THE SKY


Weekly Underground Report #4

In report #3 ‘TAL’ touched on the Electric Universe and plasma physics. In this weeks report we look at an upcoming celestial happening that could be the sighting  of the century, the coming of Comet ISON.” Of course I’m going down on record as a skeptic because I’m old enough to remember the hype around Comet Kohoutek.

What will happen during the close passing of Earth by this celestial object is an unknown. However if what happened during the comet’s passing of Mars is any indication, it caused the entire planet to glow with plasma. We might be in for a wild, possibly dark ride.Then there are the mythical connections.  ‘TAL’ gives us an insight into upcoming possibilities. . . EDITOR

Comet-Hale-Bopp-29-03-1997_hires_adj CREDITPhilipp Salzgeber SOURCE Wikipedia Commons Public Domain
Image: Photo of the comet Hale-Bopp above a tree. This picture was taken in the vicinity of Pazin in Istria/Croatia during a short Easter holiday. The tree was illuminated using a small flashlight. To the lower right of the comet the Andromeda Galaxy M31 is also faintly visible. CREDIT: Philipp Salzgeber. Philipp Salzgeber released the pictures under CC-BY-SA-2.0-AT, see bottom of http://salzgeber.at/astro/. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (For ILLUSTRATION ONLY)
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The ‘TAL’ Zone

Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL”

First we need to familiarize ourselves with what is known about Comet Ison’s travels through our galaxy as it heads towards our bright blue planet.

From UFO Sightings Hotspot:

Comet ISON and Mercury’s Electrical Phenomenon 2013

Mercury_in_color_-_Prockter07_centered SOURCE NASA Public Domain

Geologists estimate that Mercury’s iron core occupies about 42% of its volume and it has a large magnetic field, for Earth this iron core proportion is 17%. Earth however is denser overall.

Mercury’s core has a higher iron content than that of any other major planet in the Solar System. Mercury’s core makes it the most iron-rich planet in the solar system, with iron accounting for 65-70% of the planet’s mass. This should allow us from Earth to see unprecedented Magnetic Field interactions between Comet ISON, Mercury and our Sun (November 12-18, 2013.) . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by David Stig Hansen on Oct 14, 2013

Comet ISON and Mercury’s Electrical Phenomenon Nov 12-18 2013 Return of Mythical Plasma Dragons

From youtube uploaded by David Stig Hansen on Oct 17, 2013

Comet ISON: Electric Phenomenon Prediction on Oct 19-21 2013 Mars Earth Sun T-Junction

Earth CREDIT Credit Image by Norman Kuring, NASA GSFC, using data from the VIIRS instrument aboard Suomi NPP. Public Domain

The comet will pass it’s closest to Earth on December 26th. On that day it passes our planet by a mere 42 million miles give or take a few thousands. How will it affect our world? First let us take a look at what the controlled MSM is saying. From the Fox Network:

2013 MASSIVE Asteroid Pass By Earth! Will It Impact?

From youtube uploaded by nemesis maturity


Published on Oct 31, 2013

Comet ISON Update: October 31,2013
Comet ISON (C/2012 S1)
Constellation: Leo
Magnitude: 8.59
Distance from Sun: 153,310,214 km [41.2 km/s]
Distance from Earth: 188,887,782 km [49.1 km/s]
Perihelion: 28 Nov 2013 [-28d 9h 53m 35s] .m,lk . . . From description uploaded with video.

But that’s only a part of what many believe is coming with this comet . From the highly religious we include this youtube report downloaded by the TriState MinistryCenter:

Warning To The World – Comet ISON

And then there is this report posted on youtube by myiceman69:


And of course the worst scenario as in these calculations uploaded to youtube by  djorbitek.

Comet ISON to hit Planet Earth

 One place we should not forget to look when we are studying the heavenly bodies is the mythical past. A great place to get a quick understanding of that angle is the youtube movie uploaded by the ThunderboltsProject.

 Symbols of an Alien Sky | Official Movie

Published on Dec 4, 2012

Here we offer David Talbott’s first glimpses of celestial dramas in ancient times. Just a few thousand years ago a gathering of planets hung as towering forms in the ancient sky close to the earth, provoking spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears.

More to Come . . . You are leaving the ‘TAL’ Zone. 

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Latest Photos of the planet Mercury: Is that holes-at-the-poles?


Featured Image: Mercury in color. SOURCE:NASA (Public Domain)

From Space.com by Tom Chao, SPACE.com Producer   |   July 19, 2013 01:49pm

Latest Photos of Mercury from NASA’s Messenger Probe

Mercury from messenger-1 SOURCE NASA Public Domain

Image: Complete mosaic of Mercury’s surface.  This image was released May 31, 2013. CREDIT: NASA SOURCE: Space.com  (Public Domain)

100 Percent Coverage

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics

“At the very end of 2012, MESSENGER obtained the final image needed to view 100 percent of Mercury’s surface under daylight conditions. The mosaics shown here cover all of Mercury’s surface and were produced by using the monochrome mosaic released by NASA’s Planetary Data System (PDS) on March 8, 2013, as the base. This image was released May 31, 2013.” . . . Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics

For those of us looking into the hollow planets theory this is a very exciting photo. Puts me in mind of another unexplained photo of the north pole of Earth. This is a composite of photos of Earth taken from the ESSA-7 satellite on November 23,1968.  It first appeared in Ray Palmer’s Flying Saucers magazine issue 69 for June 1970. The image has yet to be explained in a satisfactory manner. . . . EDITOR

Compare for yourself . . . Earth’s Hole at the North Pole? (Return to this section of THEI by clicking on “Home” on the top task bar.


Mickey Mouse Spotted on Mercury (NASA Photo)

Featured Photo: Color Photo of Planet MercuryCREDIT NASA

Featured picture star

This is a featured picture, which means that members of the community have identified it as one of the finest images on the English Wikipedia, adding significantly to its accompanying article. 


NOTE: No comparison photo of Mickey Mouse can be shown because the elitist controllers at Disney are too money hungry to release any illustrations of the best know comic character in the world so regular people like us can use it. Obviously those who control  the Disney Corporation are not user friendly folks.  But there is more than one way to trap a mouse – Compare at Flickr.

And anyway, what do you expect out of a company who has banned the re-release of the best classic animated movie ever made, “The Song of the South.” because of some misguided “politically correct” beliefs. They are afraid some tight ass might protest and they might lose a few Federal Reserve Notes I guess . . . EDITOR

from Flickr

Mickey Mouse Spotted on Mercury!

NASA image acquired: June 03, 2012

This scene is to the northwest of the recently named crater Magritte, in Mercury’s south. The image is not map projected; the larger crater actually sits to the north of the two smaller ones. The shadowing helps define the striking “Mickey Mouse” resemblance, created by the accumulation of craters over Mercury’s long geologic history.

This image was acquired as part of MDIS’s high-incidence-angle base map. The high-incidence-angle base map is a major mapping activity in MESSENGER’s extended mission and complements the surface morphology base map of MESSENGER’s primary mission that was acquired under generally more moderate incidence angles. High incidence angles, achieved when the Sun is near the horizon, result in long shadows that accentuate the small-scale topography of geologic features. The high-incidence-angle base map is being acquired with an average resolution of 200 meters/pixel.

The MESSENGER spacecraft is the first ever to orbit the planet Mercury, and the spacecraft’s seven scientific instruments and radio science investigation are unraveling the history and evolution of the Solar System’s innermost planet. Visit the Why Mercury? section of this website to learn more about the key science questions that the MESSENGER mission is addressing. During the one-year primary mission, MESSENGER acquired 88,746 images and extensive other data sets. MESSENGER is now in a yearlong extended mission, during which plans call for the acquisition of more than 80,000 additional images to support MESSENGER’s science goals.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

NASA image use policy.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center enables NASA’s mission through four scientific endeavors: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Solar System Exploration, and Astrophysics. Goddard plays a leading role in NASA’s accomplishments by contributing compelling scientific knowledge to advance the Agency’s mission.

Photo: Mickey Mouse on Mercury. CREDIT NASA