Girlfriend of face-eating attacker blames drugs or voodoo
By Karen Yi,
The girlfriend of the face-eating attacker who mauled off most of another man’s face said her boyfriend was either unknowingly drugged or placed under a voodoo curse.
She told the Miami Herald the attacker, identified as 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, was “sweet and well-mannered.” The girlfriend, who asked that her name not be disclosed, said she was shocked to hear her boyfriend was the man everyone was calling the “Miami Zombie.” . . . Read complete Report
Britain’s voodoo killers: This week a minister warned of a wave of child abuse and killings linked to witchcraft. Alarmist? This investigation suggests otherwise
PUBLISHED: 18:49 EST, 15 August 2012 | UPDATED: 13:15 EST, 17 August 2012
They appeared to be upright and decent members of our society. She dressed smartly, and had worked for Marks & Spencer.
He drove a top-of-the-range Mercedes and spent his spare time coaching a local women’s football team.
But unbeknown to their neighbours and friends, this couple living in their suburban London flat led a terrifying secret life.
They practised African black magic or voodoo, and on Christmas Day in 2010 they murdered a teenage boy in the belief he was a witch. . . Read Complete Report
The 21-year-old college student allegedly told detectives that he hadn’t just killed the man who’d lived with his family for months, but had eaten his heart and portions of his brain. The victim’s severed head and hands were found in the men’s Harford County home; more remains were left in a trash container outside a church. . . . Read Complete Report
11 Signs of the Zombie Apocalypse: ‘Miami Zombie’ & More (PHOTOS)
A flesh-eating virus, the “Miami Zombie,” and more similarly gruesome stories have been dominating headlines in the past few weeks. While some have chalked up this strange string of events to creepy coincidence, the Twittersphere is abuzz with another explanation: a zombie apocalypse. From a blood-spitting anesthesiologist to an arm-biting contractor, the twisted cases fueling fears of the walking dead. Plus, see a map of where the past month’s freakish incidents have gone down. . . . Visit Site for photo gallery
Zombies are nothing but grade B movie fiction, right? That’s what I thought until I watched the great History Channel special, “Zombies a Living History” embedded below. CAUTION! You might learn more about zombies than you really want to know. At least check and make sure the doors are locked before you watch the special.
But first let’s take a look at the conclusions of a 2009 mathematical study,“When Zombies Attack! Mathematical Modelling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection”by the Department of Mathematics and Faculty of Medicine, Ottawa, ON, Canada and the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada. . . . EDITOR