Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
When asked the hard questions, Obama knows nothing, Holder knows nothing, Hillary knows nothing, the FED Inspector Coleman knows nothing and John Kerry is out on The Sound “Swift Boating”. Don’t you wish you had not helped to vote this bunch of bozos in? . . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by AlternativeNews4U2
Published on Jun 18, 2013
Fed Reserve-Missing $9 Trillion – “I Know Nothing”!
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XRepublicTV says: Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went … and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue
This is pure unadulterated INSANITY! Fed Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue … about ANYTHING! Can she really be this ignorant, or just plain stupid, or is she just being a good puppet? Eight months into this situation and NOTHING has been investigated, discovered or learned about the loss of enough money to run the entire US economy for three full years from the Fed’s balance sheets … REALLY? Rep. Alan Grayson seems to know more about her job and authority than she does. This is a great video to drive the point home to END THE FED !!!