Tag Archive for MSM

MSM Describes FBI Shutdown Of “Silk Rose” Website As “A Major Blow To Bitcoin” (Video Report)

The FEDS are now beginning their not-surprising goal of trying to eradicate the new interest-free money, the bit coin. They are afraid that people will start using the no-interest  currency in place of the Federal Reserve’s monopoly phony dollars.

FBI take Note: Most drugs and guns are bought with Federal Reserve Notes, hell just ask your buds over at the CIA, they know a lot about illigal drug AND illigal gun running… shouldn’t we outlaw that method of exchange also?  I mean in reality FED notes are probably worth less than bit coins. . . EDITOR

From the Washington Post By  and , Published: October 2,2013

Bitcoin industry reeling as authorities shut down Silk Road online marketplace

Federal authorities said Wednesday that they have arrested a San Francisco man accused of running an online marketplace for illegal drugs and other illicit goods.

Users of the Silk Road Web site made purchases using Bitcoin, a digital currency that helped mask their identity.

During the past four years, the value of bitcoins in circulation has exceeded $1 billion, and the currency is widely used around the world. The arrest of Silk Road’s alleged founder, Ross William Ulbricht, and the shutdown of the site threw the market into disarray. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M on Oct 3, 2013 BBC News

MSM Describes FBI Shutdown Of “Silk Rose” Website As “A Major Blow To Bitcoin”

 Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “bitcoin”

It’s Official: MSM = ZERO Credibility (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by ThaRedRooster

Published on Mar 30, 2012

Uploaded by LillyofParis on Mar 28, 2012
Please subscribe to the channel.

UPDATE 6/29/13: The Continuing Obama Birthgate Crimes Investigation (Video Reports)

It’s going to be fun waiting and watching just to see how long the Controllers main stream media talking heads can keep this story off the idot box. And the fun part is Knowing, no matter how bad they want to black list this story, sooner or later they will have to start reporting on it.

If I was a gambling man I’d start a pool as to when they will FINALLY have to wake American’s up to  know just what kind of man the majority of American’s put in the White House not once but twice.

Obama -  flag

Where our country is in DEEP DO-Do is the fact that a large group of American’s think that the trickster in the White House is Jesus Christ the 2nd and can do no wrong. When the Obamabot zombies hear what has been found out about “Mister Bones”, no matter the scope and amount of evidence, they will NOT be able to weigh the evidence rationally, and I believe they will become violant. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom·


1: Team Arpaio: Rep. Stockman Meeting; Federal Law Violated In Obama ID Fraud Scandal

Published on Jun 28, 2013

1: Team Arpaio: 6/28/2013 – http://www.BirtherReport.com –http://www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

2: Team Arpaio: Rep. Stockman Meeting; Federal Law Violated In Obama ID Fraud Scandal

Published on Jun 28, 2013

Same old Song and Dance

Nov 2, 2012

Rick Osmon


All the elections in my voting lifetime,up to ’92, I had a pretty firm view on my party alignment. For me, the SHTF on elections that year. Watching every debate since and not seeing the main stream media (MSM) pay attention to any other party or candidates than the big two one, I feel it’s important to find some way to force MSM to pay attention. The other candidates offer well constructed solutions instead of well written rhetoric. That rhetoric has been the same old song and dance for twenty years now. It’s time for a new tune. And a new candidate…ME! Read more