Tag Archive for North America

Mysterious North America Giants & Advance Ancient Human Civilizations

Mysterious North America Giants & Advance Ancient Human Civilizations

Published on May 14, 2017

The Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the Huron, the Omahas, and many other North American Indians all speak of giant men who once lived and roamed in the territories of their forefathers.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Giants 

Ancient Mounds 

Ancient America

Did Giants Once Live In North America? Two Brothers Search For The Tall Truth

Featured image: Giant. SOURCE: Library of Congress. (Public Domain)

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There are many translations and modern-day explanations for stories told in the Bible. Among them are tales of giants that lived among the “normal” sized humans. The King James version of Genesis 6:4 states: . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Giants”

What caused the mystery of the Dark Day?

Photo: Total Solar eclipse 1999 in France. CREDIT Original image by Luc Viatour.

from BBC (UK)

18 May 2012 Last updated at 07:19 ET

By Tom de Castella BBC News Magazine

Three centuries ago in parts of North America, a strange event turned morning to night. It remains wreathed in mystery – so what caused the Dark Day?

Halfway through the morning the sky turns yellow. Animals run for cover and darkness descends, causing people to light candles and start to pray. By lunchtime night has fallen. Is it the end of the world?

The Dark Day, as it’s become known, took place on May 19, 1780 in New England and parts of eastern Canada. For the past 232 years historians and scientists have argued over the origins of this strange event.

Today there are many theories. Was it the result of volcanic eruption, fire, meteor strike – or something more sinister? . . . Read Complete Report


Finding the First Americans

from the New York Times

Published: May 19, 2012

For many decades, archaeologists have agreed on an explanation known as the Clovis model. The theory holds that about 13,500 years ago, bands of big-game hunters in Asia followed their prey across an exposed ribbon of land linking Siberia and Alaska and found themselves on a vast, unexplored continent. The route back was later blocked by rising sea levels that swamped the land bridge. Those pioneers were the first Americans.

The theory is based largely on the discovery in 1929 of distinctive stone tools, including sophisticated spear points, near Clovis, N.M. The same kinds of spear points were later identified at sites across North America. After radiocarbon dating was developed in 1949, scholars found that the age of these “Clovis sites” coincided with the appearance at the end of the last ice age of an ice-free corridor of tundra leading down from what is now Alberta and British Columbia to the American Midwest.

Over the years, hints surfaced that people might have been in the Americas earlier than the Clovis sites suggest, . . . Read Complete Report


Ancient Canal Builders in America

Back when I Hosted “Unraveling the Secrets” I had the pleasure of interviewing John Jensen who made the discovery of many signs of Ancient Canals once flourishing all over the USA. Here is the link to his site. . . EDITOR


Canal Complexes in America ………………… This site is a review of evidence that will forever change the history of North America, shifting our view from what we think we know about America to a whole new and radically different perspective of pre-historic civilizations on the North American continent.

Ancient Cities on our Coasts ………………… There are many underwater harbors, channels and canals in Florida and Louisiana, as well as other areas, that are covered with vestiges and remnants of a very sophisticated, enormously large aquatic based culture or civilization that existed BEFORE current sea level rose an average of 5 feet.

Sophisticated Geo Engineers …Evidence on this site, shows many harbor areas on much of Florida’s coasts, as well as other areas, to have been ‘worked’ and ‘inhabited’ by a very large, very sophisticated population of canal builders during some remote period. Louisiana has many very long and very large cross delta channels and canals, with many sections sunken under current sea level.

Age of the Complexes . . . visit site

Bigfoot: 100s Of Missing People In US National Parks

Just when you thought it was safe to visit your favorite National Park. . . . EDITOR

filed by Dean D.

from rense.com via youtube

David Paulides has just released his new book Missing-411;

Missing-411 is the first comprehensive book about people who have disappeared in the wilds of North America. It’s understood that people routinely get lost, some want to disappear but this story is about the unusual. Nobody has ever studied the archives for similarities, traits and geographical clusters of missing people, until now.

Part 1

part 2

Part 3