Tag Archive for Occupy

Journalist sues NYPD for alleged Occupy beating

Featured Image: Occupy Wall Street photo by David Shankbone (Public-Domain)

From youtube uploaded by RT America on Jan 3, 2014

Occupy “pepper-spray cop” awarded $38k settlement (Video Report)

Images: Thanx to David Dees

A clear case of mind over matter.  The Judge didn’t mind and the abused peaceful protesters didn’t matter. . . EDITOR












The bully cop in this David Dees photo is not the same asshole that’s in the video. Just from the same breed. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by RT America on Oct 24, 2013

Occupy movement introduces Visa-backed debit card (Video Report)

Featured image: Credit cards. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).

From youtube uyploaded by RT America

Published on Oct 9, 2013

Although the Occupy movement is no longer occupying Zuccotti Park and other locations around the country, it is still active in helping those they call “99 Percenters.”

UPDATE: The Resident: Proof – Portland lied about OWS evictions (Video Report)

Featured Image: Occupy Wall Street protesters. CREDIT: David Shankbone. (Public-Domain).

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on May 23, 2013

The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund has obtained documents that prove OWS protesters encamped in Terry Schrunk Plaza in Portland, Oregon, were evicted for political and business reasons – not for the reasons the city stated, which were health and safety concerns. The documents also shed light on police activity in Boston and across the nation in terms of the OWS movement in general. The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) talks about the issue.
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Dig a LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archives “Occupy Movement”

The Resident: NYC Pays Occupy Wall Street Six Figures (Video Report)

Featured Image: Poster for the “Occupy the Courts” National Day of  protest on 1/20/12. SOURCE: Occupy. (Seemed appropriate). . . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Apr 12, 2013

When the NYPD raided the Occupy Wall Street encampment at Zuccotti Park in 2011, they seized much property that was ultimately destroyed. This is in violation to legal codes and procedures for proper seizure of property by law enforcement. Occupy Wall Street sued the city for over $200,000 and won. The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) explores the story.

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Occupy Monsanto Eat-in (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Apr 8, 2013

Over 100 protesters, activists and food advocates gathered outside of the FDA Center Food Safety and Applied Nutrition today to participate in the first ever Occupy Monsanto Eat-in. On the menu: stone soup and U.S. policies when it comes to labeling genetically Modified foods. The protesters demanded all GMO foods to be labeled and an end to the revolving door between the Washington and the biotech industry. RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez was at the eat-in and took a bite out of the issue.
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THE POLITICS OF PROTEST (Full Video Documentary)

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M

Published on Apr 4, 2013

April 03, 2013 C-SPAN

DHS spying on peaceful protesters, says it’s legal (Video Report)

Photo: (THEI Archive) Chjicago NATO Rally. Sat. Night 5.20.12 SOURCE: Occupy

from youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Apr 4, 2013

On Tuesday the advocacy group Partnership for Civil Justice Fund released new documents that show the Department of Homeland Security is conducting surveillance on peaceful protest groups, like Occupy Wall Street. DHS is claiming it has every right to keep track on peaceful demonstrators, but critics say it’s an abuse of their power.
According to the documents it turns out, DHS has been spying on peaceful, law abiding citizens since 2006, and they say it’s legal. For more Michael Brooks a producer for The Majority Report joins us.

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Oopa Loopa Cafe 29 Jan 2013

Oopa Loopa Cafe 29 Jan 2013

Blue Plate Special: Stimulus & Responsesvs

Also On today’s Oopa Loopa Cafe special’s menu :

Mali Rebels Destroy Irreplaceable Ancient Texts
Ed Teech, aka Blackbeard (Treasure, Maties!)
Rick Set to Speak at MES Conference
Jake McNeice, Certified Hero
Hackers Set Sights on Justice Department
Off the Wall


Watch Oopa Loopa live weekdays at 11 AM EST / 8 AM PST / 16:00 GMT, click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show. Read more

Occupy tries to help Columbine survivor keep his home (Video Report)

While using the excuse of the false-flag  mass Shootings in America as a reason for the Obama-nation to take the teeth out of the Second  Amendment  and the confiscation of guns from all American’s, the elitist bankers of out “concerned Government” could care less about Richard Castaldo, a victim of the tragedy.  Take our guns . . . Take his house . . . Compassion? Right! . . . EDITOR 

from RTAmerica

Published on Jan 19, 2013

Richard Castaldo was shot 8 times during the school schooting at Columbine High School. After surviving the massacre, Castaldo continues to fight, this time for his home in Los Angeles. He fell behind on his mortgage payments and now, his condo is up for auction. However, Occupy activists are standing behind him, trying to keep Castaldo from being evicted.
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