Tag Archive for Official

Ex-CIA official exposes cozy relationship with Hollywood

From youtube uploaded by RT America Jan 9, 2014

Official Update on Adam Kokesh 11/6/13

From youtube uploaded by AdamKokesh

Published on Nov 6, 2013

Anthony Antonello shares the most recent updates on Adam.
Anthony’s channel: http://www.youtube.com/anthonyantonello

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It’s Official: MSM = ZERO Credibility (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by ThaRedRooster

Published on Mar 30, 2012

Uploaded by LillyofParis on Mar 28, 2012
Please subscribe to the channel.

CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou: Torture was official US policy (Video Report)

Featured Photo:Tower – Prison, Guantanamo Bay Cuba CREDIT MCS3 Joshua Nistas SOURCE US Navy (Public Domain)

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Jan 31, 2013

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou was sentenced to 30 months in prison for revealing the identity of a covert officer to a reporter. But originally he was pending charges on the violating the espionage act. Kiriakou is the first CIA official to publicly confirm the use of
waterboarding and other tactics he describes as torture under the Bush administration. His supporters believe he has been unfairly targeted and punished. John Kiriakou and his attorney Jesselyn Radack join us for the details.

It’s Official: The War on Drugs is a Fraud (Video Report)

From Forbidden Knowledge TV

Published on Dec 13, 2012

Drug dollars prop up the banking system

Researcher Offers $25,000 Prize to Anyone Who Can Prove the “Official” Story of the JFK Assassination (+) The Zapruder Film

Photo:  John F. Kennedy motorcade, Dallas, Texas, Nov. 22, 1963. Photograph shows a close-up view of President and Mrs. Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally and his wife. CREDIT  King, Victor Hugo SOURCE Library of Congress Public Domain

By JG Vibes

November 23, 2012

For decades the JFK assassination has been heavily debated, and like many controversial events in US history, there has never been a legitimate investigation into what actually happened.

Yet, despite this controversy the official government story is what most people choose to believe, simply because they refuse to look at the evidence for themselves.

Recently, an author by the name of Barry Krusch has put forward a challenge to skeptics, and is offering a $25,000 prize to anyone who can prove the official propaganda that has been repeated in mainstream circles for generations.

According to the local fox affiliate in Charlotte: . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

The JFK Assassination- The Zapruder Film: Close Up and SloMo Version

Uploaded on Aug 1, 2010 by girtisholland

The Zapruder film is a silent, color motion picture sequence shot by private citizen Abraham Zapruder with a home-movie camera as U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, thereby unexpectedly capturing the President’s assassination.

The Other JFK Assassination Videos:
The Elsie Dorman Film http://youtu.be/pHS2KeOml88
The Robert Hughes Film http://youtu.be/wn6fXrBcz7k
The George Jefferies Film http://youtu.be/Xd_OeTLy5-o

HEAR IT HERE FIRST: Ray Steven’s – Obama Nation (music Video)

You could say that music linguist and genius Ray Steven’s is the official Songster of The Hollow Earth Insider . . . or you could say not. I don’t care. But ol’ Ray sure knows how to make a statement. Here’s his latest  for your musical and educational enjoyment. . . . EDITOR

from youtube

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by 

The Official Ray Stevens Obama Nation Video

Did you like that? Want to hear more? Go Deeper and have a Ray Stevens “Throw the Bums Out”Party:

Ray Steven’s Musical State of The Union (videos)