Tag Archive for oopa loopa cafe

Sad news: Lloyd Pye

Submitted by Rick Osmon

I received word earlier tonight of the passing of Lloyd Pye.

I worked with Lloyd on several shows (Oopa Loopa Café), and he was always the gracious guest and dedicated researcher. His association with the “Starchild Skull” and his pursuit of its genetic makeup consumed his research for nearly a full decade.

Lloyd, we’ll miss you.

~~In Remembrance of a lifelong truth-seeker from THEI~~

From youtube uploaded by PochiApple

Lloyd Pye Starchild Skull

Starchild_skull CREDIT AlienVideo.net SOURCE Wikipedia (Fair Use)

Image: Starchild skull CREDIT:  AlienVideo.net SOURCE : Wikipedia (Fair Use)



Published on Aug 25, 2012

Please visit http://www.starchildproject.com/ andhttp://www.lloydpye.com/ for more information. You can also visit his official channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/officiall…


Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive:  “Starchild Skull”  Might like: “Crystal Skulls”

Oopa Loopa Cafe 30 Jan 2013

Oopa Loopa Cafe 30 Jan 2013,



Blue Plate Special: Jamal Igle, Comic Book Artist;

The Plight of the CSS Hunley;

The Earliest Ivory Cameo;

The Business of Pot;


A Sheriff’s Message

Off the Wall

Watch Oopa Loopa live weekdays at 11 AM EST / 8 AM PST / 16:00 GMT, click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show. Read more

The Oopa Loopa Cafe for 24 January 2013

The Oopa Loopa Cafe for 24 January 2013. Includes commentary regarding “what is an assault weapon”, Temerity Magazine clip, Off the Wall Clip, commentary regarding an upcoming interview w/








Dennis Stone, owner operator of America’s Stonehenge,




announcing an upcoming interview with Cindy Cashdollar,cindy cashdollar on austin city limits w_asleep at the wheel





LOS set 2exposition of a hypothesis regarding ancient communications network (w/ maps),






a commentary regarding President Obama’s speech at the National Archives regarding “prolonged detention”prolonged detention

(and I couldn’t have said it better myself),


and a portion of Dennis Crenshaw’s analysis ofdennis crenshaw overlay

“The Secret Diary of Richard E Byrd”


So to watch live weekdays at 11 AM EST / 8 AM PST / 16:00 GMT, click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show) Read more

Jan 3 – *New Time* – Oopa Loopa Cafe

Oopa Loopa Cafe for 3 Jan 2013
Well, the boss changed around the lunch hour!
The Oopa Loopa Cafe is now on at 11 AM til 1 PM Eastern /  10 till Noon Central. Since we span lunch in nearly half the country, I promise to refrain from showing blood and gore – without warning. I may, however occasionally show  news that is just as disturbing. Thanks for tuning in during your time, whatever time it is in your neck of the woods.
Today’s Main Feature: Control, NOT Gun Control
What is an “assault weapon”
The M-4 Carbine.
Violent Crime Statistics You never Hear in MSM
2 New From Temerity Magazine
So click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show)
UPDATE: This episode is available On-Demand.
Click on “Oopa Loopa Cafe”

Episode: 1-3-12-olc-web

12/17/2012: The Oopa Loopa Cafe

The Oopa Loopa Cafe
OLC 17 Dec 2012

Show Run down
1) No rights to privacy

2) Squirrel Birth Control
3) Mystery Animal + Track ID Tips from Kim Cabrera
4) Top Ten Archaeology Stories of 2012
5) A Simulated Universe
6) Temerity Daily Double
7) Fluid Thought
8) Piltdown Still a Mystery
And more
Starts LIVE at Noon Eastern / 9 AM Pacific

So click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show)

12/10/2012: The Oopa Loopa Cafe

Dec 10th, 2012, The Oopa Loopa Cafe
New Stuff!

A new daily Feature, Oopa Loopa Cafe: Off the Wall
News about:
Witch Doctors To Be Taxed
Caves of Easter Island
Cammo Fly Fools Scientists
Ghost Buster Slime 200 Million Years Old

Adopted By Cannibals
A Tribute to Roberts Stadium, with Joe Howard
Pot Spiked Brownies Land Two in Hospital and Two in Jail
NASA responds to Mayan Calendar
Stones Tour
Indy Jones or Mick Dundee?
Oopa Loopa Cafe Steampunk Fashion Show
2 From Temerity Magazine
Starts LIVE at Noon Eastern / 9 AM Pacific
So click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show)

12/7/2012: The Oopa Loopa Cafe

Dec 7th, 2012, The Oopa Loopa Cafe, Noon til 2 Eastern

We have stories about airships in the here and now, and in steampunk fiction
1) “Pearl Harbor Day”,
2) Salute to a POW
3) 2 more clips from the aces crew at Temerity Magazine,
4) Fossilized Raindrops?
5) The Monkey with the Machingun
6) and we continue the search for a co-host  for the Oopa Loopa Cafe
So click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show)
UPDATE: This episode is now available in the “Programming, On Demand” section of www.htn21.com

12/3/2012: Oopa Loopa Cafe, GRAND OPENING! (bring your own coffee)

Show Number 1 ~ Oopa Loopa Cafe

The (outstanding) lineup for the first Oopa Loopa Cafe show on NewWave & HTN21 is worth planning to see!


1) Merrell Fankhauser, musician, ace TV talk show host in his own right, and video documentarian. Merrell will showcase his DVD about his Search for the Lost Continent of MU.

He and his band, The Impacts, were the first to record the song “Wipe Out!”. Yes, that Wipe Out.


Temerity Magazine

2) Two videos from Temerity Magazine and their intrepid contributors telling us all how to find “Treasure, me hardys!”, even when it’s in your backyard.





3) A short homegrown documentary about giants in general and the site where early settlers found a giant skeleton in Pike County Indiana (an accompanying video will follow on Wednesday December 5th). This is part of serial segment called “Hunting History Here!”. This segment picks one particular historical incident or site each week (some will be more than one segment) that includes odd elements and gets to the bottom of the odd story.

4) Announcing the recruitment search for an in-studio co-host for the Oopa Loopa Cafe.

So click on the player in the right column or go to www.htn21.com (if you use the “pop out” player, you can continue to surf the other great content here on the Hollow Earth Insider without interrupting the TV show).

Set Aside Some Time to visit the Oopa Loopa Cafe (W/Promo Video)

Beginning December 3rd, The Hollow Earth Insider will also feature a live daily TV show: The Oopa Loopa Cafe, with host, Rick Osmon

The Oopa Loopa Cafe, an internet weekly entertainment venue since early 2008, is now expanding in scope, schedule, and reach. A two hour daily schedule, a real multi-camera, TV studio with experienced and adept production personnel, and a substantial cable and internet audience are just the parts that make it technically possible. The most important aspect is the content. Adding to a rich history of informative and entertaining guests and topics, the Oopa Loopa Cafe will now also feature regular contributions from Ancient American magazine, Temerity Magazine, UFO Journal, InvestComicsTV, JOLE Productions, Unraveling the Secrets, independent films, local Read more