Featured Image: Clip from the Patterson Film, the most famous and controversial Bigfoot movie of all time. SOURCE OF CLIP: unknown.
Top 15 Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape
In collaboration with Sir Spooks: http://bit.ly/2niMF9T
Co-narrated by Chills: http://bit.ly/ChillsYouTub
YouTube ~ Top15s
To be fair I lived in Southern California for 10 years and there are a lot of petitions being passed around for all kinds of things and people are use to being asked to sign then. But I have to admit this is funny. I’d probably have signed it just for laughs and I ain’t no liberal by far. ( Plus I like Mike Dice).. . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Liberals Want Bigfoot Added to Endangered Species List
YouTube ~ Mark Dice
The Mysterious Monsters (1975)
Here is the complete 1976 classic documentary, “Bigfoot: The Mysterious Monster” narrated by Peter Graves. Enjoy! . . . EDITOR
YouTube ~ weirdlectures
Dig a Little Deeper: Bigfoot