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12 Year Old California Student Builds Braille Printer from Legos

Legos are much more than just toys; now they can help the visually impaired.

Image:The toy company has supplied the world with more than 600 billion tiny plastic bricks—about 80 for each inhabitant of the Earth. Used under terms of Fair Use



Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/how-lego-is-constructing-the-next-generation-of-engineers-37671528/#ixzz2uFscVIvJ

Shubham Banerjee, a seventh-grade student from California, has developed a low-cost fully functional Braille printer using Lego Mindstoms EV3. It is essentially a Lego robot built to let sight impaired folks to benefit from computer technology at a reasonable price.

Best of all, this young man intends to make his invention freely accessible (open source) to all.

Read the rest of this Hearst Electronic Products (R) story HERE