Tag Archive for Rand Paul

Incredible speech! Senator Rand Paul on America’s unlimited, unconstitutional wars. Answer: Senators KILL Rand Paul’s Amendment To Force Congress To Vote On Current Wars

Incredible speech! Senator Rand Paul on America’s unlimited, unconstitutional wars (NDAA/AUMF)(Full)

Published on Sep 12, 2017

12 September 2017. This speech should be seen by all Americans. Rand Paul’s speech (in full) in The Senate on the the Defense Authorization bill (NDAA and AUMF) on Tuesday 12th September, 2017. (Apologies for the little buffer periods throughout, nothing I could do unfortunately).

Senators KILL Rand Paul’s Amendment To Force Congress To Vote On Current Wars

Published on Sep 13, 2017

Dig a Little DEEPER:

THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA Deep State Series (Part 2)  Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars

The Story Behind John McCain Connections to Russian

I find “Songbird” McCain calling Rand Paul a Russian Spy with his background is Ridiculous especially when you look at his “Patriot” life.  (See ”Hotshot” Pilot, POW Rat, Lying Senator, Presidential Loser, and Controllers Yes Man”. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

YouTube ~ End Times News Report

Published on Mar 19, 2017

Did you know that Senator John McCain has been working as an insider for the Rothschild syndicate for many years? McCain helped Rothschild agent George Soros to gain control of the newly independent nation of Montenegro. This video will help you understand why Senator McCain was so angry at Senator Rand Paul for objecting to Montenegro joining NATO.


YouTube ~ IT’S TIME Published on Feb 25, 2017

 Wikileaks BUSTS McCAIN in RUSSIA CASH Treason! Then Russian Ambassador DROPS DEAD! (Vitaly Churkin)
YouTube  ~ Barry Soetoro
Published on Feb 22, 2017

(BREAKING) Wikileaks BUSTS Senator John McCain asking Russia for Campaign Cash! Two days before Wikileaks revealed this shocking treasonous act, Russian UN Ambassador (Vitaly Churkin) DROPS DEAD from a heart attack!

Dig a Little DEEPER: John Mccain, American Dirt bag



As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.

In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.

These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands.




SEP 2015

Monday, Gallup published a new poll showing that 49% of Americans think that “the federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.”

This is up from 30% in 2003.

Gallup also asked participants, “In what ways do you see the government posing an immediate threat to rights and freedoms of its citizens?”

Top responses were: too many laws/big government (19%); violations of civil liberties (15%); and violations of 2nd Amendment rights (12%).

Now, not all candidates who espouse the same principles as the Libertarian Party are actually registered as party members. However, one of the current crop of presidential candidates has repeatedly supported both the principles and goals described in the platform preamble. That candidate is Rand Paul.

Senator Paul is consistent (and prolific) in the art of being a peoples’ representative rather than a DC insider. Doctor Paul describes his political leanings as being in the “liberty wing’ of the Republican Party. He is not alone in that, but did you ever hear of that? No. MSM will not air that phrase.

And, as a high point for us at THEI, he wants to make the Federal Reserve accountable. Fully accountable.

Obama’s “Phony Scandals”; Rand Paul: Hold Obama Accountable for Benghazi Cover-up

Featured Image: Official portrait of United States Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).

From News Max Friday August 09, 2013

Wednesday, 07 Aug 2013 04:44 PM By Sen. Rand Paul

Did Hillary Clinton tell the truth? She appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January and testified that she had no knowledge of a CIA gun-running operation in Benghazi.

Clinton’s exact words were, “You’ll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex,” and then she claimed that she did not know whether a gun-running operation was taking place.

In March, The New York Times reported that the CIA has been involved with secret shipments of weapons to Syria for over a year: “The airlift, which began on a small scale in early 2012 and continued intermittently through last fall, expanded into a steady and much heavier flow late last year, the data shows. It has grown to include more than 160 military cargo flights by Jordanian, Saudi, and Qatari military-style cargo planes landing at Esenboga Airport near Ankara, and, to a lesser degree, at other Turkish and Jordanian airports.” . . . Read Complete Report

OVERVIEW: Obama’s Benghazi Secrets (Video Reports)

Featured Image: CREDIT David Dees

From The Western Center for Journalism

Obama’s Benghazi Secrets

MAY 4, 2013 BY 

Appearing before Congress, with veins bulging on her temples and fists clenched, Hillary Clinton bellowed,  “What difference does it make?” in regard to how four Americans died in Benghazi. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by WCJournalism

Obama’s Benghazi Secrets

Published on May 4, 2013

Video produced by http://www.westernjournalism.com

From youtube uploaded by TheJoshTolleyChannel

Hillary Clinton Testimony: Benghazi Secrets Kept!

Published on Jan 23, 2013

Sec. Clinton answering Benghazi questions, but what is being hidden?

From youtube uploaded by matlarson10

Rand Paul Destroys Hillary Clinton Over Benghazi-Gate During Capitol Hill Press Conference

Published on Jan 23, 2013


From Congressman Frank R. Wolf Wednesday January 23, 2013

Wolf Takes To House Floor To Call For House Select Committee To Investigate Terrorist Attack In Benghazi

Washington, D.C. (January 23, 2013) – Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) today delivered an in-depth speech on the House floor reiterating the need for a House select committee to investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi and powerfully indicting the Obama Administration’s policies in North Africa.

Wolf stressed that in the nearly five months since the attack, the Congress and the American people are no closer to understanding what caused the attack or bringing the terrorists responsible to justice. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube uploaded by Nick Walsh

Benghazi Coverup

Published on Apr 30, 2013

As the embers continue to burn in aftermath of Benghazi, we’re now seeing insiders gaining the courage to come forward with the truth about the massive lie campaign we’ve seen from the failing security operation the US calls it’s CIA. . . . Description published w/video.

UPDATE: From The Hill By Jeremy Herb – 05/01/13 04:21 PM ET

GOP senators want Obama to release Benghazi names
A trio of Republican senators are calling on President Obama to release the names of Benghazi survivors to Congress after the White House said it was unaware anyone was blocked from testifying.

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) wrote to Obama on Wednesday asking that names be released of the survivors of last year’s attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, for interviews with Congress.

“In light of your comments yesterday about the Benghazi attacks, we again request your administration immediately provide the names of the Benghazi survivors to Congress so we can conduct interviews to gain a clearer understanding of what happened before, during, and after the attack,” the senators wrote. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by Massteaparty

Benghazi Gate – Whistle Blower Points Finger Directly At Secy Clinton & Obama – Wake Up America

Published on Apr 24, 2013

Rand Paul: Obama In Guns-To-Jihadists Cover-Up? ‘A kind of international Fast and Furious in Benghazi’

From News With Attitude

JANUARY 23, 2013

by Aaron Klein

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., raised questions during a radio interview today about whether the Obama administration was smuggling guns to jihadist rebels in a possible “international Fast and Furious” that the White House has tried to cover up.

Speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio, Paul said the guns scheme could help explain the reason for the coordinated attacks against the U.S. special mission and CIA annex in Benghazi last September.

Stated Paul: “There is also some concern about whether or not Libyan arms are being ferried through Turkey into Syrian rebels and whether or not that had something to do with the cover-up that came out of the administration when the administration was saying that, ‘Oh, this attack in Benghazi had something to do with a film.’ . . . Read Complete Report

Rand Paul proposes bill to prevent warrantless drone surveillance (w.video)

It’s about time one of our glorious leaders did something about this ever-growing intrusion into our rights. It’s just too bad that the only political family in our government to care about people’s rights when it comes to the intrusiveness of big government/business into our lives is the Paul family. I guess most of the politicos are either to busy trying to get re- elected or trying to stay out of jail, or both. Thanks Rand for caring . . . EDITOR

from The Raw Story

By Eric W. Dolan
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 16:29 EDT

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced legislation on Tuesday that would prohibit law enforcement agencies from using unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct surveillance without a warrant.

“I’m not against technology per se,” he explained on CNN. “What I am for are the constitutional processes that protect our civil liberties. So, you know, it’s not like I’m against the police using cars or against them using airplanes or helicopters or robots. But I am for personal privacy for saying that no policeman will ever do this without asking a judge for permission.”

This year’s Federal Aviation Administration funding bill contained provisions that made it easier for law enforcement agencies to use drones within the United States. The new law requires the FAA to speed up the process by which it authorizes government agencies to operate drones. The law also requires the FAA to allow agencies to operate any drone weighing 4.4 pounds or less as long as it is operated within line of sight, during the day and below 400 feet in altitude.

The American Civil Liberties Union has warned the law could usher in an “era of aerial surveillance.” . . . Read Complete Report

CNN Rand Paul Says Stop using Drones for domestic spying

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – a Warning

from SHTFPlan.com

Paul to Congress: “Someone Who Has Guns, Ammunition, 7 Days of Food” Can Be Considered a Potential Terrorist

Rand Paul stated In this speech calling for the removal of the detainee provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act which was passed Dec 2.. . .EDITOR

“Know good and well that some day there could be a government in power that is shipping its citizens off for disagreements. There are laws on the books now that characterize who might be a terrorist.

Someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect according to the Department of Justice. Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist”.. . . Complete Article

The embed code has been disabled for this video of Rand Paul speaking before Congress. You might want to see if before it disappears.  http://youtu.be/pK0pEFSX7Ns