Tag Archive for Rats

Man Wiggles Rat’s Tail Using Only His Thoughts (W/Video)

Featured Image: ‘Old English Black Rat. CREDIT: Douglas English (died 1939) SOURCE: Collection of National Media Museum   Flickr – Photo Sharing! (Public Domain)

From Live Science By Charles Choi, LiveScience Contributor

Date: 09 April 2013 Time: 10:26 AM ET

By linking the brains of a human and a rat, scientists have now helped a man wiggle a rodent’s tail using only the man’s thoughts.

These new findings are the first case of a brain-to-brain interface between species, and the first example of a noninvasive brain-to-brain interface, researchers added. . . . Read Complete Report

Robotics: Virtual Reality Puts Human in Rat World: ‘Beaming’ Technology Transforms Human-Animal Interaction (+) Selected Short Subject (Video)

from Science Daily

ScienceDaily (Oct. 31, 2012) — Using cutting-edge virtual reality technology, researchers have ‘beamed’ a person into a rat facility allowing the rat and human to interact with each other on the same scale.

Published October 31 in PLOS ONE, the research enables the rat to interact with a rat-sized robot controlled by a human participant in a different location. At the same time, the human participant (who is in a virtual environment) interacts with a human-sized avatar that is controlled by the movements of the distant rat. The authors hope the new technology will be used to study animal behaviour in a completely new way. . . . Read Complete Report


THEI Selected Short Subject

from youtube

Beastie Boys – The Rat Cage New Video www.beastieplaza.nl

Posted by beastieplaza

Uploaded on May 14, 2007

Beastie Boys – The Rat Cage 2007 New Video