I think all of the talk about the imminent loss of the U.S. fiat Federal Reserve Notes as the currency of the world is just more smoke, mirrors and scare tactics. Do I believe that the dollar will one day be worth about as much as reprinted Confederate money is today? You bet your sweet bippy I do! It’s inevitable. I just believe that our time in history hasn’t advance that far … yet.
History does repeat itself. I found the article below on the very informative Godfather Politics site, Glenn Beck, National Decline and the Story of the Roman Empire by Jerry Bowyer. He explains our present place in the timeline of the final decline and failure of our dollars. A must read!
However, before we get to that I though I’d move a great story from the DEEPER section of THEI to the front section. It’s “The Fate of the Mightiest Nation” by Hudson & Landry, two great comedians and talk show hosts who were very popular in L.A. during the 1970s. I think this recording from almost 40 years go is the perfect lead-in to Mr. Bower’s report of where we stand today when it comes to the Fate of the Mightiest Nation. If you like it please pass the URL along to your friends. . . .EDITOR
The Fate of the Mightiest Nation by Hudson & Landry (audio starts in 4 seconds) … total time 5 min 14 secs.
from Godfathers Politics
Glenn Beck, National Decline and the Story of the Roman Empire