from Cal Pot News
There were plenty of tears shed during yesterday’s funeral procession dedicated to medical marijuana and all the local dispensaries that have closed in the last year.
In the Haight, residents in black and white garb gathered around a New Orleans-style jazz band and a 12-foot papier mâché puppet of U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag as they mourned the shuttered medical marijuana dispensaries in San Francisco.
Haag’s unpopular crusade prompted the Save Safe Access coalition to initiate this mock funeral, in which residents of all ages called for Haag to stop the federal crackdown that’s closed nine dispensaries to date,Suzanne Stathatos reports in The Snitch blog for S.F. Weekly.
“Advocates argue that closures are needlessly driving patients into the illicit market,” said Linda Stokely, Safe Access media specialist. . . . Read Complete Report