Trump Unveils Border Security Enforcement Plan (Compilation)
Published on Oct 11, 2017
President Trump Demands Illegal Immigration Reform (Compilation)
Published on Oct 10, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: immigration
Trump Unveils Border Security Enforcement Plan (Compilation)
Published on Oct 11, 2017
President Trump Demands Illegal Immigration Reform (Compilation)
Published on Oct 10, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: immigration
YouTube ~ The Next News Network Published on Apr 3, 2017
” If you remember, Bill De Blasio pledged that New York would remain a sanctuary city!” YouTube
Build That Wall! MS-13 Gang Kills Another Teen
YouTube ~ The Alex Jones Channel
The violent MS-13 gang has once more shown why we need Donald Trump’s wall along our southern border.
YouTube ~ The Next News Network
Featured Image: Mexican Border town prostitutes. Many if not most are forced into prostitution while trying to get to the USA illegally.
80% Of Women Crossing Mexican Border Raped
YouTube ~ Tea Partier
As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life. According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.This year alone, immigration authorities expect more than 70,000 unaccompanied minors to come through the United States unlawfully, the majority of whom are from Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The number of unaccompanied Central American girls caught at the Southwest border has rapidly outpaced the number boys, according to a July Pew Research study.Through May, the number of unaccompanied girls younger than 18 caught at the US-Mexico border increased by 77 percent. But while many of these girls are fleeing their homes because of fears of being sexually assaulted, according to the UNHCR, they are still meeting that same fate on their journey to freedom.
YouTube ~ wyzguys
Sanctuary City Leaders Helping Illegal Immigrants Should Be Punished (Full Compilation)
YouTube ~ kytekutter
The debate continues on sanctuary cities and a call has been made to punish leaders who work against federal law obstructing ICE, DHS and Border Patrol agents
Texas Sheriff Refuses To Arrest Illegal Who Sexually Assaulted Girl
Description: An ICE detainer was denied for an Illegal Immigrant man being charged with sexually assaulting a young girl. Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez has not honored several ICE detainer requests for illegal immigrants being charged with violent crimes. ICE detainers were also denied for an illegal immigrant that was recently arrested for beating his girlfriend outside of a bar and an illegal immigrant that was wanted since 2014 for charges of sexually assaulting a 7 year old twice.
Texas Governor Calls For Ban On Sanctuary Cities In Texas
YouTube ~ CBSDFW
Saying that elected officials don’t get to pick and choose which laws they obey; Texas Governor Greg Abbott has called for a crackdown on sanctuary cities in Texas.
Texas Starts It’s Crackdown on Sanctuary Cities,Withholding Grant Funds,Threatening Jailtime & Fines
YouTube ~ NFrictionPublished on Feb 2, 2017
YouTube ~ TheBlaze
YouTube ~ grindall61 Published on Mar 13, 2017
YouTube ~ grindall61 Published on Mar 13, 2017
The real impact of US Illegal Immigration – New Full HD Documentary
YouTube ~ TechnologyFirst
llegal immigration to the United States is the act by foreign nationals violating United States immigration laws by either entering the country without government permission (i.e., a visa) or after being lawfully admitted, remaining within the country beyond their period of authorized admission as
Dig a Little Deeper: “Border Wars” ‘Agenda 21″