All of the circumstances were in place for another tragic incident when a responsible gun owner, who was carrying concealed at the time, shot the aggressor, potentially saving many lives.
In this situation, if the partygoers had been forced to wait for the police to arrive and deal with the angry young man with a rifle, how many people would be dead? Sadly, this is not considered newsworthy for that very reason – no families are mourning innocent victims today. . . . Read Complete Report
AP Published Story Day Before Navy Yard Shootings! (Debunked)
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Did the Associated Press accidentially publish intricate details of the Navy Yard shooting the day before it happened, therefore proving some kind of conspiracy? No, it was a time stamp error.
These kind of disinfo rabbit holes only serve to distract us from the real issues, such as SSRI drugs, video games and the gun control debate.
An off duty deputy may have saved the lives of movie goers at a San Antonio enterainment complex Sunday night when she shot a deranged man who went on a shooting spree.
Police say 19-year-old Jesus Manuel Garcia,was shot four times by the female security officer after he began the shooting at the nearby China Garden restaurant near IH-35 and S.W. Military Drive just after 9 p.m. . . . Read Complete Report
As the police in Southern California spread out a multi-county dragnet for a former cop seeking revenge on the people he blamed for his firing, the mainstream media were suspiciously silent on some key points.
Usually when some crazy goes on a shooting spree, the media leftists look for any scrap of information that can be used to make the case that the killer is somehow a political conservative and that gun control laws must be tightened. That might be harder to do this time.
Former Los Angeles Police Department officer Christopher Jordan Dorner was being sought Thursday in connection with five shootings, including those of three police officers in Riverside County. . . . Read Complete Report
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We should take note of the fact that the two trucks the cops opened fire on are not the same make or even the same color. . . there is no excuse that they mistook BOTH trucks as being the one they were looking for. . . EDITOR
An unidentified flying object has been spotted shooting beams of light on to an Arctic Diamond Mine in Canada, UFO Sightings Daily reported. However, the structure of the UFO has been questioned, as it does look like something else in the photos.