Featured Image:WMD World Map, International WMD warning symbol with arrows pointing towards the changing mythical location of “WMDs.” SOURCE: WND World map Wikipedia Commons. Arrows. SOURCE: Ckler.com (all Public Domain).
The Elusive WMD
George Bush: “They are over there!” Colin Powell “No, they are over there!” Obama “Over There!!”
According to our rogue government leaders WMD ARE EVERYWHERE!
To hell with it…. lets just attack them all. The WMD have to be somewhere. After all the CIA and other U.S. three-letter groups gave them the ingredients to create them, the technology to manufacture them; then taught them how to build them. WMD don’t just disappear . . .EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by RT America
Published on Dec 10, 2013
Description: This week Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh challenged the Obama administration’s official narrative on the September chemical weapons attack near Damascus, with a report alleging the White House “cherry-picked” intelligence to justify a military strike against Bashar al-Assad’s government. Both the New Yorker and the Washington Post rejected Hersh’s reported, suggesting that the mainstream media still hasn’t learned from the mistakes it made 10 years ago when faulty intelligence was used to go to war in Iraq. RT’s Sam Sacks reports.