Tag Archive for streetcar conspiracy

Taken for a Ride – The U.S. History of the Assault on Public Transport in the Last Century

Taken for a Ride – The U.S. History of the Assault on Public Transport in the Last Century


G.M. “NCL” Anti Streetcar Conspiracy: ITS FACT- WCBS-TV 60 MINUTES, Dec. 6 1987

Bob Diamond

Published on Apr 1, 2016

FOLLOW UP VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3b5h…
In this show, Bill Dixon, the actual circa 1947 federal prosecutor in the court case against NCL/G.M./Standard/Firestone states the FACTS. Turns out researcher Bradford Snell’s “theory” about G.M. and its “NCL” conspiring to destroy the U.S. streetcar system was 100% TOTALLY RIGHT. In fact, NCL’s very first “victim” was Manhattan’s New York Railways. As went NYC, so went the entire nation. Watch Snell’s “Taken For A Ride” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-I8G…
Back in 1987, the legendary investigative reporting TV show 60 MINUTES looked into the GM, Standard Oil, Firestone Tires “NCL” conspiracy to destroy the U.S. streetcar system.

More of our videos can be seen at: http://brooklynrail.net/streaming_vid…

A Streetcar Named Conspire


Published on Oct 15, 2015

Was Alfred Sloan, who molded modern General Motors, the man who destroyed most of North America’s streetcars? Watch, then decide.

The General Motors Street Car Conspiracy (w/full video documentry)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The General Motors streetcar conspiracy (also known as the National City Lines conspiracy) refers to allegations and convictions in relation to a program by General Motors (GM) and a number of other companies to purchase and dismantle streetcars (trams/trolleys) and electric trains in many cities across the United States and replace them with bus services. The lack of clear information about exactly what occurred has led to intrigue, inaccuracy and conspiracy theories with some citing it as the primary reason for the virtual elimination of effective public transport in American cities by the 1970s. The story has been explored several times in print, film and other media, notably in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Taken for a Ride and The End of Suburbia. . . . Complete Report

Inside a Class-A Streetcar SOURCE Wikipedia (public domain)                                                                                                                                                          from youtube

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Taken For a Ride