Tag Archive for Taxation

Biden Goes After Violent Media With Taxation

Featured Image: Official portrait of United States Vice President Joe Biden in his West Wing Office at the White House. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)

From Last Resistance posted on  by .


…”What is happening here is a targeted taxation, designed to smother our Second Amendment right to bear arms. The Democrats can’t directly attack the Second Amendment, so instead, they starve it by taxation.”…

…”Now, because they are failing in regard to gun control, Democrats are setting their sights on video game control. According to Politico, in a meeting with over 20 faith-based organizations, Veep Biden.” . . . Read Complete Report


Taxation without representation angers DC residents (Video Report)

from youtube

Posted by RTAmerica

Published on Oct 19, 2012

Washington DC is considered to be the symbol of American power and freedom. However as the saying goes – the District has a long history of taxation without representation. DC residents have no members representing them in either the House or the Senate and yet they pay their taxes like everyone else and in many cases much higher taxes. RT’s Liz Wahl looks at how this works and how the people feel about it