Tag Archive for temple

Secret Temple Hidden Underground In Mountains (Damanhur)

Temples of Humankind

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 The Hall of Mirrors

The Temples of Humankind are a collection of subterranean temples buried 30 metres (100 ft) underground built by the Federation of Damanhur. They are decorated in several motifs stressing peaceful human collaboration. The Temples are located in the foothills of the Alps in northern Italy, 50 kilometres (30 mi) from Turin, in the valley of Valchiusella.

The temples were created under the direction of Oberto Airaudi who, having claimed visions of ancient temples at age 10 from a previous life, began excavation and building in August 1978. By 1991 most of the chambers were reportedly complete when Italian police, acting on a tip from villagers, conducted a raid on the Temples. However, since the temples were so well hidden, police were unable to locate them until state prosecutor Bruno Tinti threatened “show us these temples or we will dynamite the entire hillside.”[1][2] Eventually the Italian government reportedly gave them retroactive excavation and erection privileges and the Temples are now open to visitors. . . . Continue Wikipedia Report

Secret Temple Hidden Underground In Mountains (Damanhur)

Exploring With Josh

Published on Jan 22, 2017

Caves of the World #2 – World Heritage Site – Elephanta Caves (India) (w/video)

This is the first in a NEW ongoing series dedicated to expanding our knowledge of the Caves of the World. . . . EDITOR

from The Economic Times

Quick getaway: Elephanta Caves

[If you happen to be in India)

23 AUG, 2012, 07.57AM IST, ET BUREAU

Elephanta Caves, situated on the Elephanta Island is home to 1,200 year old rock cut temple of Lord Shiva. Ancient carvings and sculptures adorn the temple. The specialty of the temple is that it was built out of a single rock with space for columns and shrines. There are over 10 caves here but it’s the main cave that has the privilege of being the most preserved.

This section of the cave is replete with gigantic structures that tell stories of Lord Shiva from the puranas.An astonishing fact is that even though the site was used for target practice in the 17th century by the Portuguese, the caves retained their charm and still attract loads of visitors everyday. The Elephanta Caves are now designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. An added incentive to go check them out, isn’t it? . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Elephanta Caves (UNESCO/NHK)

Uploaded by  on Jun 3, 2010

The ‘City of Caves’, on an island in the Sea of Oman close to Bombay, contains a collection of rock art linked to the cult of Shiva. Here, Indian art has found one of its most perfect expressions, particularly the huge high reliefs in the main cave.

Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/244/

Further Research: Wikipedia “Elephanta Caves”

El Zotz masks yield insights into Maya beliefs (w/video)

from Brown University

July 18, 2012  |  Contact: Courtney Coelho |  401-863-7287

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — A team of archaeologists led by Brown University’s Stephen Houston has uncovered a pyramid, part of the Maya archaeological site at El Zotz, Guatemala. The ornately decorated structure is topped by a temple covered in a series of masks depicting different phases of the sun, as well as deeply modeled and vibrantly painted stucco throughout.

The team began uncovering the temple, called the Temple of the Night Sun, in 2009. Dating to about 350 to 400 A.D., the temple sits just behind the previously discovered royal tomb, atop the Diablo Pyramid. The structure was likely built after the tomb to venerate the leader buried there.

Houston says that through this find, much of it pristinely preserved, researchers are gaining a significant amount of new information about the Maya civilization. . . . Read Complete Report

A mask-nificent discovery CREDIT: Video credit: Mike Cohea/Brown University 

Posted on THEI 7/20/2012

Archaeologists strike gold in quest to find Queen of Sheba’s wealth + (BONUS movie)

from the Guardian

The Observer

A British excavation has struck archaeological gold with a discovery that may solve the mystery of where the Queen of Sheba derived her fabled treasures.

A British excavation has struck archaeological gold with a discovery that may solve the mystery of where the Queen of Sheba of biblical legend derived her fabled treasures.

Almost 3,000 years ago, the ruler of Sheba, which spanned modern-day Ethiopia and Yemen, arrived in Jerusalem with vast quantities of gold to give to King Solomon. Now an enormous ancient goldmine, together with the ruins of a temple and the site of a battlefield, have been discovered in her former territory. . . Read complete report


The Complete 1953 movie Queen of Sheba (1hr 23min)