Featured Image: Front view of the first generation humanoid robot Atlas, created in 2013 by DARPA and Boston Dynamics Credit: DARPA. [DARPA website] Source: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
GizMag By David Szondy
January 23, 2015
Like a teenager going off to college, DARPA’s Atlas robot has cut the tether and is walking on its own without a safety line. The centerpiece of this year’s DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC), the upgraded Atlas robotwas unveiled to the competing teams in Waltham, Massachusetts last week during a technical shakeout.
Developed for DARPA by Boston Dynamics, the 6 ft 2 in (1.88 m), 345 lb (156.5 kg) bipedal, humanoid Atlas robot is designed for exploring ways to use robots in disaster situations – especially where navigating debris and using tools or found objects is necessary. According to DARPA, the upgrades to the Atlas increase its efficiency, dexterity, and resilience, with 75 percent of it replaced with new components and only the lower legs and feet remaining from the original design. . . . Read Complete Report
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