A new report called, “The Dating Game: How Confusing Food Date Labels Lead to Food Waste in America,” describes our expiration-date labeling system here in the US as convoluted, confusing, inconsistent, ineffective, disorienting, ambiguous, and dizzying. It doesn’t think much of the system, in other words.The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) discusses.
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “The Resident”
September 2013 REPORT R:13-09-A
The Dating Game:
How Confusing Food Date Labels Lead to Food Waste in America

Image: Shelf life. This pack of diced pork says ‘display until’ 7 May and ‘use by’ 8 May. CREDIT: Edward Betts. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Edward. This applies worldwide.)
Executive Summary
The waste of edible food by consumers, retailers, and manufacturers poses a
significant burden to the American food system. Wasted food costs consumers
and industry money; squanders important natural resources that are used to
grow, process, distribute, and store America’s food supply; and represents a missed opportunity to feed the millions of food insecure households in the United States that are struggling to access healthy, affordable food. Misinterpretation of the date labels on foods is a key factor leading to this waste. . . . Read Complete Report