Featured Image: hanging cannabis SOURCE: NORML UK.org
From Toke of the Town
By William Breathes in News
Featured Image: hanging cannabis SOURCE: NORML UK.org
From Toke of the Town
By William Breathes in News
From youtube uploaded by ConspiracyStuff·
Published on Mar 25, 2013
Time travel is an ancient concept (it even occurs in the Hindu epic The Mahabharata) but could it really happen? Could a person physically travel through time? The first part of this Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know series examines the accounts of some people who claim to have seen physical time travel – or to have traveled through time themselves.
From youtube uploaded by yellowfeverbelfast
THEI RERUN: Chaplin’s Time Traveler
Uploaded on Oct 19, 2010
Please help our new campaign for a full length documentary on this amazing phenomenon… Go to http://www.indiegogo.com/helpmefindfor more information :))
Photo: USS Eldridge DE-173 ca. 1944. Original uploaded as Grunherz at en.wikipedia. This media is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the ARC Identifier (National Archives Identifier)
from youtube uploaded by RealityEntertainment Apr 25, 2012
I personally believe that until we overthrow the the-so-called ‘two party’ system we are just spinning our wheels when it comes to government reform. While my choice, and the those with the best ideas for change that I woud like to see, is the Libertarian party. Others have different ideas, but bottom line, we NEED a third (really 2nd) choice. . . . EDITOR
from WND
Michael Savage, one of the nation’s most prominent voices in talk radio, said today America is “absolutely” ripe for a third party, in part, because the two largest parties in the U.S. have pulled a “charade” on the American people.
“There is no Republican Party,” Savage told fellow talk show host Aaron Klein. “It’s an appendage of the Democrat machine, as we’ve all just seen. It’s two-card Monte, as we well know. It’s a game being played against the American people. You’ve got the drunk Boehner on the one side, and the quasi-pseudo-crypto Marxist on the other, who is really just enjoying the ride in Hawaii right now, representing his factions.”. . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
Michael Savage Interview w/ Aaron Klein: Time for Nationalist Party – 1/6/13
Uploaded by imitator777
from Gold Seek
— Posted Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Getting it good and hard
The elections being over, I shall not unduly comment on the reelection of the horrid Obama, or the un-professional, traitorous hacks of the leftist media that kept his many scandals, incompetence and disgraceful lies out of the news, or about the trusting, gullible, ignorant, greedy and stupid people who elected him, except to quote the immortal Thomas Jefferson, who said “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”
But it was H.L. Mencken who said it best, as far as I am concerned, when he quipped “People deserve the government they get, and they deserve to get it good and hard,” which naturally brings to mind all those times in life when one has, indeed, gotten it “good and hard,” dredging up, as it does, painful memories, usually replete with scars, either physical or mental, often both, and with a deep, dark, dangerous desire for some kind of vicious, bloodthirsty revenge on some worthless bastard who deserves it “good and hard.” . . . Read Complete Report
Photo: Wubbo Ockels, speaking on Dam Square in Amsterdam on climate change. Date: 2 February, 2007 Picture by Jens Nielsen. SOURCE Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)
from Before its News
Thursday, September 27, 2012 6:35
Uploaded by TEDxTalks
In this mind-bending TEDxAmsterdam talk, Dr. Wubbo J. Ockels, the original Netherlands astronaut, explains how time is created by human beings as a way our brains can make sense of gravity. . . . Read Complete Report