Tag Archive for together

Humans and Robots Work Better Together Following Cross-Training; Swapping of Roles Improves Efficiency (+)’BigDog’ robot trained to throw cinder blocks (Video)

From Science Daily

Feb. 11, 2013 — Spending a day in someone else’s shoes can help us to learn what makes them tick. Now the same approach is being used to develop a better understanding between humans and robots, to enable them to work together as a team.

Robots are increasingly being used in the manufacturing industry to perform tasks that bring them into closer contact with humans. But while a great deal of work is being done to ensure robots and humans can operate safely side-by-side, more effort is needed to make robots smart enough to work effectively with people, says Julie Shah, an assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics at MIT and head of the Interactive Robotics Group in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). . . . Read Complete Report


From RTAmerica via youtube

‘BigDog’ robot trained to throw cinder blocks

Published on Mar 6, 2013

The Army Research Laboratories Robotics Program has improved the robot known as “Big Dog.” This mechanical dog doesn’t just bite, but now Big Dog is capable of hurling 35 pounds cinder blocks. RT’s Liz Wahl has more.
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Robots Working Together [IRS 2012] (w/Videos)

from IEEE Spectrum 

[IROS 2012] AR Drone Helps Swarm of Self-Assembling Robots to Overcome Obstacles


We’re used to thinking of robot swarms as consisting of lots and lots of similar robots working together. What we’re starting to see now, though, are swarms of heterogeneous robots, where you get different robots combining their powers to make each other more efficient and more capable. One of the first projects to really make this work was Swarmanoid, with teams of footbots and handbots and eyebots, and researchers presented a similar idea at IROS earlier this month, using an AR Drone to help a swarm of self-assembling ground robots to climb over a hill. . . . Read Complete Report


from IEEE Spectrum

[IROS 2012] Robotic Airplane, Boat, and Submarine Team Up to Monitor Coral Reefs


Designing a robot that can do everything is hard. Robots work best when they’re given one specific task to perform and have been constructed with that task in mind, so if you’re trying to, say, monitor coral reefs from the air, the surface of the ocean, and under water all at once, you can either drive yourself nuts trying to come up with some sort of autonomous submersible seaplane, or you can just teach a robotic airplane, robotic boat, and robotic submarine to all work together. . . . Read Complete Report