Muslim Travel Ban! NOT!!
by Rick Osmon
To believe the news channels you would think President Trump had ordered mass murder. Or that he had at least banned all travel to the US by muslims.
For anyone who relies on ANY talking head on MSM to interpret the meaning of anything major, shame on you for your laziness. If it’s something that really matters, I always go read the primary source and I re-read it and interpret it for myself. Sadly, the new Whitehouse hasn’t gotten around to publishing that one yet at the time of my writing, so, sadly, I’m relying on a *gasp* MSM as a reliable source of the text. In this rare case, it’s CNN. Maybe the Whitehouse Web Master has Sundays off. No where in the EO does it ban immigration. Or refugees. It allows for case by case for those in true dire need. What it does is put the State Department and Department of Homeland Security on the hook to fix the damn vetting system forthwith. And make it capable of serious, comprehensive vetting for hundreds of thousands of refugees. And it sets benchmarks for the performance of those departmental tasks, feasible if not easy ones. And gives those department 60 days to do so. It also puts a 90 day hold on new visas from select countries until they, the departments, can straighten out what’s wrong and fix it. And 120 day delay in accepting refugees. Honest, that’s what it says. It says nothing about extending the time limits nor the conditions of the tasks nor the visa hold or any conditions that might lead to a change there. It did task those agencies to make sure that if anyone was vetted by a foreign state under false pretenses would understand exactly how such an act would affect relations between our two nations, maybe not in those exact terms, but the idea is clearly there. That is a very well placed, but unsaid bit of foreign policy :
“(e) After the 60-day period described in subsection (d) of this section expires [the task completion time for the departments – Rick], the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the President a list of countries recommended for inclusion on a Presidential proclamation that would prohibit the entry of foreign nationals (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas) from countries that do not provide the information requested pursuant to subsection (d) of this section until compliance occurs.
The emergency stay for the two guys at JFK issued by the Brooklyn Fed judge would be under the clause about case by case and dire need. An emergency stay has a time limit. So do the Depatments of State and of Homeland Security.
Hey, read it for yourself and let me know if and where you disagree. Read it HERE. Or better yet, oops. Whitehouse website still dark on this one. HERE
At least ABC’s coverage of everything is, oddly, some of the most “well rounded” for the issue
See that HERE
Trump added three to the already existing 2011 list because of reccommedations from the departments. The State Department can offer recommendations for additions or removals to that list.
The New York Federal Court placed a temporary,”emergency stay” for two men who were turned down for entry, who also happened to have green cards. At least one is already released. The judge did not “strike down” any part of the EO. As for it being overturned by ANY court capable of making it stick, it has never yet happened.