Tag Archive for UAV

Update: Eyeballin’ Criminal Drones and their pals

Featured Image: A DJI Phantom UAV for commercial and recreational aerial photography. Attribution: © Nevit Dilmen. Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

The Times Jan. 31, 2013

Criminals and Terrorists Can Fly Drones Too

Remote-controlled aircraft and robot technology can be used for bad just as easily as for good

Americans know their government uses unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, on military and intelligence missions from surveillance to assassination. But drones are no longer the sole domain of the military, and just as with many new technologies, they can easily fall into the wrong hands. . . Read Complete Report


Business Insider By  APR. 23, 2014, 10:36 AM

British Criminals Are Using Drones To Steal Marijuana

The latest killer application for drone use seems to be in marijuana reconnaissance, reports ITPortal.

Criminal gangs in the UK’s rural Shropshire County are reportedly using flying robots equipped with infrared cameras to spot hidden marijuana growing operations from the sky, then blackmailing the growers or downright stealing their crop from the house. . . Read Complete Report


Kim Komando October 3, 2014

Criminals use drones to track police during crimes

Wonder what U.S. history would like if Butch and Sundance or Bonnie and Clyde had a few lookout drones?

In a case that would have looked more like a movie plot 10 years ago, new innovations have brought career criminals many new ways to cause a bunch of new troubles. Last Saturday, two members of a burglary ring known as the “Tub Gang” were accused of using a drone to spy on officers while carrying out thefts across Pennsylvania and other states. . . Read Complete Report


youtube by CBS New York Published on Sept 29, 2014

CBS 2 Exclusive: Criminals Use Drones To Target Victims In High-Tech Heists

“Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive:  “Drones” “Robots Replacing Humans”

DARPA Wants to Seed the Ocean Depths With Upward Falling UAV Pods

from IEEE Spectrum
TUE, JANUARY 22, 2013

The ocean is a big place, and DARPA wants to fill it with robots. All of it. Because rather than having tosend robots to whatever part of the ocean you want to have robots in, wouldn’t it just be much easier of robots were there already? Sure it would! Yes, it’s impractical, and maybe even borderline impossible, but hey, it’s DARPA, and this is what they do.

DARPA’s Upward Falling Payloads program would seed the world’s oceans with remotely deployable robot pods. The pods, or nodes, would stay hidden at the bottom of the sea until activated by a secret signal, whereupon they’d rise to the surface (“falling upward”) and do… Well… They’d do whatever you’d want them to do: passive sensing, active sensing, communications, or even launching UAVs. As with most of their programs, DARPA has no idea how to go about doing this, but they’re hoping that a pile o’ cash will tempt someone else to make it all work. . . . Read Complete Report

A Video Short Subject: Insectothopter: The Bug-Carrying Bug

from youtube

Insectothopter: The Bug-Carrying Bug

Published on Jul 26, 2012 by 

Watch CIA-developed miniaturized UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) and listening device “Insectothopter” fly!

SIDE TRIP: Visit the CIA Museum