Photo: Warning sign outside the entrance to the most infamous of all (rumored) secret underground government facilities – Area 51. Said to have 7 below ground levels including Human/alien experimental labs. SOURCE Public Domain
from youtube
Photo: Warning sign outside the entrance to the most infamous of all (rumored) secret underground government facilities – Area 51. Said to have 7 below ground levels including Human/alien experimental labs. SOURCE Public Domain
from youtube
I first heard about the Dulce underground bases back in the late 80s. Someone who wishes to remain unnamed sent me copies of the Dulce Papers in 1992. Since then I have become friends with several of the original investigators. If someone asked me where on earth would be the best place to look for underground bases, I would have to say that Dulce is the most likely place to look. Here is what the UFO Hunters found and presented on the History Channel in 2009. For those who would like to keep up with the Dulce story there is a great active yahoo group that welcomes interested members, Dulce Base Investigators. Tell ‘um Dennis Crenshaw sent you . . . EDITOR
Probing Deeper Into The Dulce ‘Enigma’ by John RHodes
from Informantnews.com
“I hope that over time this page will become the largest underground base and tunneling links page on the internet. It will start with a relative handful of links and grow steadily. Please send me links to interesting underground sites that are not listed here (and also notify me of any dead links)! I have a particular interest in “secret” underground bases and tunnels. Scroll down the page to view the availablecategories.
“Lector caveat: The material in the links below spans the gamut in believability from the factual, and demonstrably true, to the scarcely credible, if not downright incredible. That is to say, not every word in every one of these links is necessarily true. In this world, there are hard facts and there are also flights of fancy. You, the reader, must exercise your humble faculties of discernment and God-given horse sense to carefully sift fact from fable! ‘Nuff said. Let’s go underground”. . . go to page
There is a lot of information on many subjects in this video so I do not believe that it is all speculation.. Watch and decide for yourself. We need to thank our good friend Tha Jackal for finding this video. Featured illustration – Nephilim- offspring of Anunnaki and Earth Human (half breed) . . . EDITOR
Fifty years ago, an American pilot called Kenneth Arnold saw nine discs in the sky over Area 51 in Nevada, where the US military tests high-tech aircraft. (Actually Arnold saw the unidentified craft near Mt. Rainer in Washington State . . . EDITOR) The term ’flying saucer’ was born – and with it, a whole new subculture which believes that alien life is not only somewhere out there, but also here (indeed, probably in Area 51), ready to take over the world.
Highway 93 winds through the Nevada Desert. There are no cars, no houses, no nothing, just sage brush and dust devils and a lunar landscape of grey mountains creeping into a never-ending distance. At junction 375 a signpost says “Extraterrestrial Highway”. The driver has strayed from normal space-time co-ordinates and is heading towards Rachel, the town that thinks of itself as the UFO capital of the world.
Rachel is, in fact, a very small trailer park whose significance arises from the fact that it sits on the border of Area 51. This vast mass of desert land has been central to the UFO myth since, 50 years ago, a pilot named Kenneth Arnold spotted nine discs over Mount Rainer and the term ’Flying Saucer’ was born.
People have never accepted that Area 51 is merely a highly classified military site devoted to testing high-tech aircraft. In 1988 it was claimed on TV that aliens lived there and, furthermore, they enjoyed eating ice-cream and listening to Tibetan Music.
A year later, an individual named, Bob Lazar presented himself and announced that, when working as a physicist on the base, he had seen several flying saucers parked in hangers. Patrol guards carrying guns, surveillance cameras and notices saying that “USE OF DEADLY FORCE IS AUTHORIZED” have done much much to fan an interesting aura of secrecy.
Consequently, Area 51 also known as Dreamland has become a mecca for the subversive, the hacker and those who have seen far too many episodes of the X-Files. . . complete report
by Norio
, Rio Rancho, New Mexico, Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 17:22
Dulce, New Mexico, Project Gasbuggy and the mysterious Dulce Triangles
by Norio Hayakawa
January 10, 2012
Here is a fascinating report which was posted several years ago on the Internet by an anonymous researcher who only went by the name of Firefoot:
This researcher, Firefoot, apparently studied the earthquake epicenters in and around Dulce from January 23, 1966 to December 10, 1967. Apparently unusual “earthquakes” were occuring in these areas nearly a year before Project Gasbuggy took place on December 10, 1967!!
(December 10, 1967 was when the U.S. exploded a nuclear device a mile and a half underground, about 22 miles southwest of Dulce, New Mexico…..it was called Project Gasbuggy and was explained by the U.S. Government as an experiment that would help ease the flow of natural gas trapped under hard, tuffa rocks in the entire region……it was an explosion of 30 megaton bomb, which caused a 5.10 magnitude earthquake in the area, extending all the way to Farmington).
This anonymous researcher, Firefoot, covered all known earthquake information from a point that extends 50km in every direction around the coordinates 37.052N, 106.907W.
He states that for some reason, 95% of the earthquakes occured between 1966 and 1967.
He states that it is possible that there was underground construction occuring.
He then made this map using the USGS/NEIC data.
As you go to his above link, he points out that Red “tacks” show coordinates where MULTIPLE earthquakes occured. Blue “tacks” show places where there was one earthquake only.
He made black grid lines to connect lines of more than TWO earthquakes which happened to happen along a meridian.
He says that the chances of there being so many lines of more than two earthquakes is statistically nil!!
The green and red lines show locations between places where multiple earthquakes occurred where they just happen to measure into perfect triangles. (As stated, lines of these two triangles are marked with green and read.)
“Very strange to say the least!” he says.
He believes explosives and RAND Corp digging machines were used.
But once again, I would like for you to go to the link for more fascinating information that I would like to point out. Please study the link very carefully again and since you can zoom in to any location within this google map/satellite imagery, please do so anytime:
(try to keep it in the satellite imagery mode, as much as possible)
In his explanation on the left side, he mentions three items of interest:
These three items are Purple “tacks”:
He describes one as a “hangar in the forest“, which is the northwestern point of the equilateral triangle. The equilateral triangle is indicated with purple color. If you zoom in, yes, you can definitely see an isolated building which definitely could be a hangar. This location is slightly south southeast of Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
Next he describes a “door in the mountain“. This is the eastern point of the equilateral triangle. What he calls a “door in the mountain” (if you zoom in) appears to be an anomalous spot…a strange area near atop a snow-capped peak (the researcher calls this peak Navajo Peak, and is located about 8 miles northeast of the town of Chromo, Colorado. The anomalous spot (which superficially looks somewhat like a lake) certainly doesn’t fit in because the rest of the area is snow-covered.
(In late 2008 I was contacted by a Los Alamos scientist who first pointed this to me when he visited my home)
Lastly, the researcher, Firefoot, describes an “arrow at Dulce“. This location is at the southern point of the equilateral triangle. If you zoom in, you can clearly tell that it is a building located in the southern area of Dulce. Actually, it is the Dulce Elementary School, located right next to the Stone Lake Road.
If you zoom in, you can clearly see that the arrow is seen on the strangely-figured parking lot of the school. This is now known among some researchers as the Dulce Arrow.
(Again, in late 2008, the very same Los Alamos scientist who visited me pointed this out to me)
What is most interesting is that from the Arrow of the parking lot of Dulce Elementary School to the anomalous point on Navajo Peak in Colorado is exactly 18 miles.
And, from the anomalous area high atop the snow-capped Navajo Peak in Colorado to the “hangar” south of Pagosa Springs, is also exactly 18 miles.
And, from the “hangar” south of Pagosa Springs to the parking lot of Dulce Elementary School is also exactly 18 miles!!
For more information on Project Gasbuggy, please go to: