from Huffington Post
Posted: 05/ 3/2012 11:20 am Updated: 05/ 3/2012 1:20 pm
by Lee Spreigel
Those triangle-shaped UFOs just don’t seem to go away. Whether they’re conventional planes, experimental stealth technology or truly unexplained vehicles, reports continue to surface about these aircraft.
And the sightings aren’t isolated to a single location. Reports and videos have emerged recently from the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.
It used to be that most UFO spotters related stories about unusual saucer-shaped or cigar-shaped craft in the skies. Around the mid-1970s, sightings of triangle-shaped, boomerang-shaped and, yes, Dorito-shaped objects hit UFO news outlets.
Some of these UFOs may, in fact, be top-secret military aircraft like the ones now known to have been developed and tested at the legendary Area 51 base north of Las Vegas.
But does that explanation fit all of them? Here’s a look at some of the latest triangular craft. . . . Read Complete Report /additional video
from youtube
Published on Apr 27, 2012 by crazybreakingnews
“Three fast flying UFOs have been filmed by passenger from an airplane, just 10 minutes before passing the London Sky (England, United Kingdom) from northwest on his way to Frankfurt, Germany on April 26, 2012. UFO Sighting near London, UK.”