Published on Nov 5, 2017
Published on Nov 5, 2017
Featured Image: World Peace by Jenni. SOURCE: clker.com (Public Domain) From youtube uploaded by RT America· on Jan 2, 2014
Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
From youtube uploaded by David Vose
MARTIAL LAW- Russians train to Disarm U.S Citizens on U.S soil
Published on Aug 21, 2013
Martial law ALERT This may be your final warning. We are under Martial law.There is a very small window open. We must rally America. Tell everyone everywhere we are under martial law.. If we cannot stop this within a short period, like by this election. We will not only have lost America, but the earth. Russian and other foreign soldiers training on U.S soil to Disarm Americans and tighten martial law. Please share this video and tell everyone you know that we are under Martial Law.
From youtube uploaded by Debunk Seeker
The term “martial law” was used on the house floor this morning
Published on Oct 7, 2013
Just happened to be watching CSPAN this morning and was surprised to hear the term “martial law” used on the house floor. Can someone please explain why the Representative from Texas used this language?
Featured Image: An American flag being flown upside down. A worldwide sign of distress. CREDIT: David Wagmer. SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net (Public Domain).
From youtube uploaded by Larken Rose
Published on Jul 31, 2013
This video is for all those who imagine that there is some sort of magic that renders the United States immune to the tyranny that has plagued every other major empire in history. DVDs of this video–in normal resolution and high definition–will be available soon.
Featured Image: Guns “walked” across the Mexican border by the CIA under Eric Holder and Obama. SOURCE: Unknown.
The “Fast and Furious” President didn’t even apologize for his own administration under “yes man” Eric Holder exporting guns into Mexico from the U.S and giving them to the illegal drug cartel leaders.
Of course, if “Fast and Furious” hadn’t been discovered he would be shouting loud and far that these guns had been smuggled into Mexico because of weak gun laws in the U.S. Wake up America! Obama and his administration is about one thing, control!. . EDITOR
From Daily Mail (UK) PUBLISHED: 16:03 EST, 3 May 2013 | UPDATED: 22:10 EST, 3 May 2013
“Obama also did not mention the more than 2,000 firearms that his Department of Justice ‘walked’ across the Mexican border as part of Operation Fast and Furious, a federal law enforcement project that aimed to track weapons to drug traffickers.
“Those guns have been connected to the deaths of at least 300 Mexican citizens. And U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010 when a so-called ‘Fast and Furious gun’ was recovered at the scene of his murder during a routine patrol in Arizona. . . . Read Complete Report
Feature Inage: Map of proposed re-clamed Mexican territories (Atzlan). SOURCE: Thjis article from WND.
From WND
Illegal crossings of the U.S.-Mexico border have doubled recently, and possibly even tripled, since the latest congressional push toward “comprehensive immigration reform” – which many consider a euphemism for amnesty.
Indeed, as journalist Katie Pavlich has reported, some border patrol agents claim illegals are coming to the U.S. in much higher numbers in just the past few months, with data from Customs and Border Protection showing 504 illegals were detected crossing in just one border sector between Feb. 5 and March 1. Only 189 were caught on camera, and just 174 of the 504 were apprehended. Of those spotted on camera, 32 were carrying huge packs believed to contain drugs and several were heavily armed. . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel
Glenn Spencer: Mexican Drug Cartels Conquest of America’s Border Continue
Uploaded on Jul 21, 2010
Alex talks with Glenn Spencer, an activist who advocates greater vigilance in securing the United States–Mexico border against illegal immigration. . . .
from DutchScince
Seen on multiple nodes managed by different institutions, feeding back to the CERI / Midwest USGS official charts across the region… what can only be described as low end vibrations, over a VERY large area.
NOT to be confused with earthquakes elsewhere around the planet, this is something I have not seen before over such a wide area.
Did the sensor network undergo some kind of damage? Is there some kind of interference happening? Is this a REAL detection of low frequency vibrations occurring?
Time will tell on this… . . . . Read Complete Report