Tag Archive for Uruguay

Uruguay faces UN backlash for legalizing pot & other Reports From the Frontlines

Featured Image: Uruguay in relation to where you are. ORIGINAL SOURCE: Uruguay orthographic projection.CREDIT:Connormah. THEI SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public-Domain)

Uruguay faces UN backlash for legalizing pot

From RT.com Published time: December 12, 2013 13:52
Edited time: December 13, 2013 10:44

Uruguay is facing criticism, as the UN’s drug body, supporting the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), lashed out at the country for allegedly breaking international law, after it legalized the consumption and growing of the plant on Tuesday.

“Uruguay is breaking the international conventions on drug control with the cannabis legislation approved by its congress,” said the INCB, citing several reasons why it thinks Uruguay has made a mistake, among them the purported health risks associated with the plant’s use, the drug body said on its website. . . . Read Complete Report


Will Colorado’s demand for pot exceed supply on Jan. 1

From USA Today Jessica Durando, USA TODAY Network 10:14 a.m. EST December 11, 2013

Seal_of_Colorado.svg CREDIT Svgalbertian Source Wikipedia Public Domain2014 is just around the corner and that means selling recreational marijuana will become legal in Colorado. This change brings about several challenges . . . Read Complete Report


The deadly consequences of marijuana prohibition

From Toke of the Town By Jack Daniel in NewsOpinion

Friday, December 13, 2013 at 11:20 am
Pot Plant CREDIT United States Fish and Wildlife Service SOURCE Wikimedia.org Public Domain
Image: A photograph of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge.
A photograph of a cannabis plant. The photo at that site is marked as being copyright-free, and is credited to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)
It was a Tuesday morning in San Diego, just over a month ago on November 7th, when SDPD received reports of broken glass at a local business, with a possible burglary having had occurred overnight. Police investigators arriving on the scene quickly determined that the business in question was a medical marijuana dispensary, and the focus of their investigation quickly shifted from aiding possible burglary victims, to persecuting law abiding citizens and shuttering a legitimate business. . . Read Complete Report


 Entrapment: Cops Trick Autistic Student Into Selling Weed

From High Times FRI DEC 13, 2013

Marajuana Joint SOURCE middletown-ct.patch.com Public DomainHas it really come to this? It seems that with marijuana legalization legislation popping up in states across the country, the coppers are feeling backed into a corner. In one of their most despicable ploys yet, a number of agencies in Southern California have been deploying undercover cops into high schools with the mission of befriending teens, gaining their trust, and entrapping them into selling small amounts of marijuana so that they can arrest them.

This time it occurred at Perris and Menifee high schools where on 12/12/13, undercover cops who had been embedded in the high schools since the beginning of the year arrested over two dozen students on charges surrounding marijuana, hashish, and various other drugs. The remaining student population was thrown into a frenzy of distrust for both their school and their classmates as each one wondered who the cops were. . . . Read Complete Report


Marijuana Refugees! I Must Say! This Is Actually A Miracle Plant! Marijuana

From youtube uploaded by Latest News

Published on Dec 1, 2013

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Dig a Little DEEPER: Medical Marijuana

Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana ~ Will Sell at $1.00 a Gram

Featured image: Flag of Uruguay. CREDIT:This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Pumbaa80. This applies worldwide. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons.

Uruguay_orthographic_projection.CREDIT Connormah SOURCE Wikipedia Commons Public Domain




Image: Orthographic projection of Uruguay. CREDIT: Connormah SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)


From youtube uploaded by David Pakman Show on Aug 1, 2013

Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M·

Uruguay Shows World How To End Marijuana Black Market By Selling Weed For ONE DOLLAR A GRAM!

Published on Nov 4, 2013

November 03, 2013 CBC News

Uruguay’s Marijuana Legalization Proposal Sent To Parliament

Photo Legalize Pot, Red, White and Blue. CREDIT Jay Selthefner. SOURCE

From Toke of the Town

By Steve Elliott ~alapoet~ in GlobalLegislationNews

Friday, August 10, 2012 at 2:07 pm
Law Would Make Uruguay First Government In World To Legally Supply Marijuana 

The president of Uruguay on Wednesday submitted a proposal to Parliament to legalize marijuana under government-controlled regulation and sale, making it the first country in the world where the state would sell marijuana directly to its citizens. The proposal, signed by Uruguayan President José Mujica, is part of a package of measures aimed at fighting crime and requires parliamentary approval before being enacted.
Despite Uruguay being one of the safest countries in Latin America, it has faced an increase in crime from drug gangs due to its position on a drug transit route to Europe via West Africa. The aim of the measure is to combat the rising insecurity in Uruguay by removing the profits of marijuana sales from drug gangs, separating the marijuana market from those for other illegal drugs, and avoiding marijuana users’ exposure to drug dealers who also sell coca paste and cocaine. Additionally, the revenues from marijuana sales will be invested into treatment for “problem” drug users. . . . Read Complete Report