Photo of SUV heading for Washington DC to march for Ron Paul was kindly furnished by Samantha Hart. Thanks Samantha.
Today Vets for Ron Paul will march to the White House. And we will make THEI history by offering it as the first live stream video available here.
Every other candidate for President, including Obama has had Military Personnel who supported their candidacy on their tours etc. But in this coming show for support of Rom Paul the military bigwigs have sent out a “directive” stating that active, inactive and even RETIRED service personnel where forbidden to march for Ron Paul.
It’s obvious they are using scare-tactics in order to try and keep the march small. I do not believe their plan will have a large impact because Ron Paul has received more support and money from our active military that any other candidate. Our brave men and women in the armed services are smart. They understand that Ron Paul is our only chance to regain our liberty and freedom. If Ron Paul does not win our I believe our constitution is lost. I think the last minute scare e-mail will only raise the resolve of those who would have marched anyway. . . . EDITOR