WOW! First time I’ve heard a major candidate even mention States Rights in this election, except of course Ron Paul . . . EDITOR
from NORML
by Allen St. Pierre, NORML
Executive Director
September 7, 2012
In a clear departure from his more socially conservative top-of-the-ticket running mate Mitt Romney, vice presidential candidate Congressman Paul Ryan, in an interview this afternoon on KRDO in Colorado Springs, when confronted with a question about whether or not he supported patients in Colorado having legal access to cannabis for medical purposes, Ryan said that although he personally opposes medical cannabis use he would defer to the judgement of each state to make up its own mind on the issue.
Of course, Representative Ryan’s public policy position, as articulated here, is not much different in scope or tone from what George W. Bush and President Barack Obama claimed too when running for president, only to commit significant Department of Justice resources in closing down hundreds of otherwise lawful, state-compliant medical cannabis dispensaries. . . . Read Complete Report