With the US on the edge of war in the Middle East, according to Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg, the country needs the type of whistleblowers that didn’t exist during the Vietnam and Iraq wars. Speaking to RT’s Ameera David at the National Press Club, the famed activist warned about the increasing crackdown on whistleblowers, while calling for more Edward Snowdens and Chelsea Mannings to come forward.
Now its time for all the ‘right wingers’ to get mad at me. However we have to call them as we see them. Don’t waste your vote on either of the Controllers puppets. Vote Libertarian. Vote for Gary Johnson in November. . . . EDITOR
Photo:Mitt Romneyspeaking at the Values Voter Summit (Omni Shoreham Hotel) in Washington D.C. on October 7, 2011. CREDIT: Gage Skidmore SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons. This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense.
May 1966. Mitt Romney is just finishing his first—and only—year at Stanford. I’m a 32-year-old ex-Strategic Air Command navigator and intelligence officer, now an associate professor in Stanford’s English Department and something of an anti-Vietnam War activist.
About a quarter of a million young American men are already being abducted each year to fight the rapidly-escalating Vietnam War. Many college students, however, are protected by their 2S student deferments, which blatantly discriminate against all those millions of other young men unable to afford college. As if this privileging of the relatively privileged were not sufficient, an outcry about “inequity” arises from administrations of some elite universities. Since the 2S deferment is contingent on relatively high class rank (meaning, of course, academic class rank), they argue that this unfairly discriminates against some of the “best” students, i. e., all those attending schools like Stanford. A man in the bottom quarter at an elite university might end up being drafted, even though he might be more “intelligent” than a man in the top quarter of some state college. . . . Read Complete Report
Photo; The personnel ofW:Project Stormfuryof the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in front of one of their Douglas DC-6 in 1966.Project Stormfury attempted to weaken hurricanes with little published success. CREDIT U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Photo LibrarySOURCE(Public Domain)
Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. . . . . United States Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April, 1995 http://www.jerryesmith.com/index.php/2
Any research report into weather manipulation has to start with one man. That man being the father of the worldwide electrical system,Nikola Tesla. As Margaret Cheney reported in the biography, Tesla, Man Out of Time (1981) Tesla has been quoted as stating:
“I am positive in my conviction that we can erect a plant of proper design in an arid region, work it according to certain observations and rules, and by its means draw from the ocean unlimited amounts of water for irrigation and power purposes. If I do not live to carry it out, someone else will, but I feel sure that I am right.” (page 148)
Of course the above statement is looking at the idea of weather manipulation from the mind of someone who was concerned with helping his fellowman have an easier life which, of course, was his downfall. Unfortunately the controllers do not feel exactly the same way. [Read my article “Free Energy? No Utility Bills?”].
At any rate this is where we start looking into the possibility of the controllers using some form of weather manipulation today. . . The death of Tesla on January 7, 1943 and the immediate removal of all of his equipment, scientific experiment records and papers . . . NICOLA TESLA: WEATHER AND WEAPONS.
It was just four years later on October 1947 that the first attempt to control a major hurricane was attempted. The experiment was named Project Cirrusand ended in disaster.
It was a collaboration of the United States Weather Bureau, the US Army Signal Corps, the Office of Naval Research, and the US Air Force.[1] After several preparations, and initial skepticism by government scientists,[6] the first attempt to modify a hurricane began on October 13, 1947 on a hurricane that was heading west to east and out to sea.[5] . . . . [continue]
After this disaster there is little in the way of information about trying to control these weather monsters until the 1960s and 70s when scientists working under the study name, Project Stormfury attempted to weaken hurricanes with little published success. Here’s a link to a pretty good synopsis of the early history of trying to control hurricanes.
And just as the Mate had told me as we plowed through the Pacific Ocean on the flying bridge of the freighter Silver Falcon with a load of rice for Viet Nam back in the ’70s our government did actually succeed in controling the weather during the Viet Nam war.
How many ways can humans fail at manipulating nature? by Donovan Webster and Karen Rowan
published online June 6, 2008
EXCERPT Make Mud, Not War
In 1966 the 54th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron of the U.S. Air Force engaged in an aggressive cloud-seeding program over North Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. By lacing clouds with silver iodide, the military hoped to extend the monsoon season and increase the amount of mud along the paths and roads of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, restricting enemy movement. The initial project, Operation Popeye, reported positive results, and the effort was continued from 1967 to 1972 under the code name Operation Motorpool. Although some inside the operation said their attempts to “make mud, not war” impeded the movement of enemy supplies, evidence for that is “unverifiable.”
Because of the Weather Modification operations during the Vietnam War a Senate Hearing took place in 1974 on just that subject.
The threat of weather control became such a real and important issue that by 1977 the United Nations held a CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF MILITARY OR ANY OTHER HOSTILE USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES. It was signed in Geneva May 18th 1977,
According to the State Department’s website, “The Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification on November 28, 1979, by a vote of 98-0. The President ratified the Convention December 13, 1979. The Convention entered into force for the United States on January 17, 1980, when the U.S. instrument of ratification was deposited in New York.”
The preamble state: The States Parties to this Convention, Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare.
Article 1 states that, 1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party. . . . (Continue)
Of course, as any Native American can tell you a treaty or covenant signed by the US government isn’t worth the paper its written on.
By 1996 the US Air Force had commissioned a series of papers of where they should be militarily by the year 2025. One section of that report, Owning the weather in 2025 – Military Applications of Weather Modification is a very telling document. The web site, The World Vision Portal has saved us time by highlighting the weather control portion of the lengthy report.
The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together [General Gordon R. Sullivan, “Moving into the 21st Century: America’s Army and Modernization,” Military Review (July 1993) quoted in Mary Ann Seagraves and Richard Szymber, “Weather a Force Multiplier,” Military Review, November/December 1995, 75].
It could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb [William B. Meyer, “The Life and Times of US Weather: What Can We Do About It?” American Heritage 37, no. 4 (June/July 1986), 48].
Now lets look at what has been reported concerning our subject recently?
Scientists a step closer to steering hurricanes By Tim Shipman in WashingtonLast Updated: 2:25AM BST 24 Oct 2007
Scientists have made a breakthrough in man’s desire to control the forces of nature -unveiling plans to weaken hurricanes and steer them off course, to prevent tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina. . . . (Continue)
A New Debate Over Steering Hurricanes
Should taxpayers fund research into weather modification? By Alex Kingsbury
Posted June 13, 2008
In theory, the idea is simple: Lower the temperature of the clouds, and scientists could weaken a hurricane or even alter its path. In one scenario, airplanes would spread a layer of soot into the icy clouds at the top of a storm system, cooling them further and slowing the winds. Cut those wind speeds even a little, scientists say, and the devastating power of a storm surge could be drastically cut, perhaps saving lives and property. . . . (Continue)
From Defensetech.org: Air Force Aims for Weather Control
Someday the U.S. military could drive a trailer to a spot just beyond insurgent fighting and, within minutes, reconfigure part of the atmosphere, blocking an enemy’s ability to receive satellite signals, even as U.S. troops are able to see into the area with radar. . . . (Continue)
China keeps promise to control weather during the Olympics
China’s office of weather modification is gearing up to keep the sky clear during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. How will they do it? . . . (Continue)
“In the summer of 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson needed a pretext to commit the American people to the already expanding covert war in South East Asia.
In November of 2001, the LBJ Presidential library and museum released tapes of phone conversations with the President and then Defense Secretary Robert McNamara where they openly discussed plans to use the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident as a pretext to expand the war.” -Alex Jones, “Terrorstorm” (12mins) . . . Read Complete Report
President Johnson used an alleged attack by North Vietnamese gun boats on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin to greatly escalate the American War in Vietnam, but the attack never happened. [07:18]
Source: http://linuxbeach.org/