Photo of book cover from Votescam: The Stealing of America by James M. and Kenneth F Collier
By: Devvy
May 5, 2012
I have been writing about vote fraud since 1993. Few Americans became interested in the cold reality that since the mid-1960s our elections have been rigged until the 2000 presidential election and the farce known as ‘hanging chads’. As regular readers of my columns know I belong to no party; I left the Republican Party in 1996 over vote fraud and the putrid world of dirty politics where the truth didn’t matter. It still doesn’t to party hacks whose only goal is to climb the political ladder of power.
The Florida recount energized Democrats; the howling was heard from coast to coast. Laughable when you consider the Democratic Party machine is more famous for vote fraud than Republicans. Both sides engage in it and that’s a fact.. . . Read Complete Report