Tag Archive for weather

1950’s: Weather Control as a Cold War Weapon

Featured Image: May 28, 1954 Collier’s magazine cover.

Weather Control as a Cold War Weapon

Source: Smithsonian


In the 1950s, some U.S. scientists warned that, without immediate action, the Soviet Union would control the earth’s thermometers

On November 13, 1946 pilot Curtis Talbot, working for the General Electric Research Laboratory, climbed to an altitude of 14,000 feet about 30 miles east of Schenectady, New York. Talbot, along with scientist Dr. Vincent J. Schaefer, released three pounds of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) into the clouds. As they turned south, Dr. Schaefer noted, “I looked toward the rear and was thrilled to see long streamers of snow falling from the base of the cloud through which we had just passed. I shouted to Curt to swing around, and as we did so we passed through a mass of glistening snow crystals! Needless to say, we were quite excited.” They had created the world’s first human-made snowstorm.

After the experiments of G.E.’s Research Laboratory, there was a feeling that humanity might finally be able to control one of the greatest variables of life on earth. And, as Cold War tensions heightened, weather control was seen by the United States as a potential weapon that could be even more devastating than nuclear warfare. . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Wars


During Harvey let’s Eyeball Weather Manipulation once again

Manmade Weather; Hurricane Harvey 8.26.17


Published on Aug 26, 2017

Hurricane Harvey is a never before seen weather machine that begin on Aug. 16th and was a tropical storm until it hit the coast of Mexico where the Wet Surface Water Vapor generators were able to intensely magnify and create the massive Hurricane into the Gulf.
Once it gets on shore it will rotate around and we can watch the entire storm system be manipulated using NEXRAD/Doppler radar devices to keep the rains a ‘comin’.

How Weather is Manmade

Hurricane Harvey & the Weather Terrorists from Land, Sea and Air


Published on Aug 27, 2017

The National Weather Service, NOAA, and the Geoengineers of the military and NASA have known about how to create and dissipate weather, including hurricanes. You will learn in this video exactly how they are making Hurricane Harvey into a never before seem deluge that started with a tiny front back on Aug. 16th.
This vid/doc covers how they are controlling the hurricane for maximum duration and intensity directly over SW Texas as well as New Orleans getting battered again and again and again.

Excellent Source of Information: Weather War 101

Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation

THEI Weather Manipulation Past Reports

8/23/2012:  THEI Special Report Part 1: (Retro) Weather Wars or just Mother Nature Getting Even? by Dennis Crenshaw

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report Part 2: the Weather Manipulators by Dennis Crenshaw (w/video)

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report: Part 3 – Was the Cold War replaced by a Secret Weather War? by Dennis Crenshaw (W/Videos

8/26/2012: Tropical Storm Isaac Not Stopping GOP Convention Protesters (w/video)

8/28/2012:  THEI Special Report #4: Is Hurricane ISSAC Conventional Weather or is it just plain ol’ conventional weather? (w/videos)

9/7/2012: Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voters they ‘can do something about’ droughts,floods,wildfires

Surprise! Surprise! CIA wants to control the weather, climate change

Featured Image: 54th Patch. CREDIT & SOURCE: 54th Air Weather Reconnaissance Association

What’s this? CIA WANTS to control weather. Someone take these spooks up to Alaska and show them the HAARP facility.

CIA listen up. Weather Control/Manipulation by the government has been an ongoing experimental program at least since the war with Vietnam and probably before that.  But then those hunkered down over in the CIA bunker might not have access to those intelligence reports. Right!. . EDITOR

From Fox News 

dd395-Tox (site) SOURCE deesillustrations,jpg

Image: Thanx to David Dees.

The CIA is funding a study examining various ways mankind can geo-engineer the planet — blocking or limiting the sunlight that reaches the Earth, stripping carbon dioxide from the skies, seeding the clouds and so on.

The project, a panel called “Geoengineering Climate: Technical Evaluation and Discussion of Impacts,” is backed by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA — and the U.S. intelligence community. . . . Read Complete Report

 “HAARP”  “NASA”  “Weather Control”  “Agenda 21″

Nexrad Weather Control: Tornado Creation 101 (+) Oklahoma Tornado Manufactured For Maximum Death and Destruction (Video Reports)

Featured Image: One of several tornadoes observed by the VORTEX 99 team on May 3 1999 in central Oklahoma. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain). 

From youtube uploaded by WeatherWar101

Nexrad Weather Control: Tornado Creation 101

Published on May 22, 2013

Nano Skies Movie: Chemtrails Revealed (HD) http://ow.ly/fO55Z

From youtube uploaded by Harold Saive May 23, 2013

Article: http://wp.me/p2FjTj-2cN

 Oklahoma Tornado Manufactured For Maximum Death and Destruction


“HAARP”  “NASA”  “Weather Control”  “Agenda 21″

Scientist Look to Control Weather with Lasers (Video Report)

Featured image: Hurricane Katrina. Weather Warfare Conspiracy? SOURCE: Conspiracy-Planet

From youtube uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Aug 28, 2013

Experts from around the world are to gather at the World Meteorological Organisation next month to discuss how powerful laser pulses can be used to generate changes in the atmosphere that influence the weather.

Go A LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archive “Weather Control”

The CIA investing in Climate Change to manipulate the Weather (Jul 25, 2013) (Video Report)

 Featured image: Tropical Storm ISSIC. CREDIT: National Weather Service. (Public Domain).

[8/26/2012: Tropical Storm Isaac Not Stopping GOP Convention Protesters (w/video) 8/28/2012:  THEI Special Report #4: Is Hurricane ISSAC Conventional Weather or is it just plain ol’ conventional weather? (w/videos)]

Like they just now “thought” of this possibility  What a crock. I wonder why the Controllers are letting them release this cover info at this time.  Could they be expecting a leak about their decades old weather  control/manipulation programs?

(To Dig DEEPER for a better understanding of what’s REALLY going on in the area of government weather control go to the THEI archive following the featured video). . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by SignsofThyComing on Jul 25, 2013

Dig A LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archive:  “Weather Control”


Weather Manipulation: Artificial Precipitation Generation (Video Report)

Featured Image: Hurricane Sandy SOURCE: NASA Earth Observatory (Public-Domain).

This video will appear boring to some, however if you are patient and watch the whole presentation you will see what the expert presenter sees and, taken along with what we have already learned about weather manipulation, this video is an important addition to our archive. If you are a newbee to the subject you might first want to check out some of the earlier “Weather Control” posts in our archive.  Link posted after this video.. . EDITOR 

From youtube uploaded by WeatherWar101  on Jul 10, 2013

Global Geoengineering, is not Global

Go A LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archive “Weather Control”

Extreme Weather Phenomena Escalating Worldwide (NOT GLOBAL WARMING) (Video Report)


From youtube uploaded by SuspectSky

Published on May  7, 2013

Over the past year the world has experienced unprecedented and bizarre weather phenomena – from record breaking heat and cold to increasing earthquake activity worldwide.  It’s not just global warming, but rather, a system wide surge of strange weather activity.  . . . From intro to video.

Weather Control & Climate Engineering Exposed ~ An Interactive Timeline

Featured Image: Multiple cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning strokes during night-time. Observed during night-time thunderstorm. Photographer: C. Clark
Credit: NOAA Photo Library, NOAA Central Library; OAR/ERL/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) (Public Domain).

From Terraforming
The History of Weather Control

After 100 years of rainmaking, few know the extensive history of man’s attempt to control the weather. Thisinteractive timeline is an explosive exposé on the unknown world of weather modification, cloud-seeding, storm mitigation, and geoengineering. . . . Visit Site

Go A LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archive, “Weather Control”

NASA’s SAMPEX Mission: A Space Weather Warrior

from Science Daily

ScienceDaily (Nov. 1, 2012) — NASA’s very first small explorer, the Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer or SAMPEX, was launched July 3, 1992 to study the zoo of particles and cosmic rays surrounding Earth. Surviving much longer than its expected mission of three years and providing invaluable observations for those who study space weather, the SAMPEX mission is now almost over. In early November, the spacecraft’s orbit will decay enough that it will re-enter Earth’s atmosphere, burning up completely on re-entry. . . . Read Complete Report


Photo Below: SAMPEX data have provided some of the most useful observations of the Van Allen Belts — two rings of radiation around Earth. This SAMPEX data shows the belts during what’s known as the Halloween Storms in October 2003, a time when the radiation belts around Earth swelled so much that they merged into a single ring. (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) SOURCE Science Daily.