Tag Archive for Weird

Mystery Underwater Crater Opens Up In Utah After ‘Small Eruption’

Featured Image: Great Blue Sinkhole, Belize. (Public Domain) Rated the #1 sinkhole in the world. From The Ten Most Amazing Sinkholes in The World , “The Great Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize. The circular sinkhole measures 300 meters across and 124 meters deep and is in the center of the Lighthouse Reef.” . . . continue

youtube by NoLinkNewsChannel Published on Sep 9, 2014

Dig a little Deeper ~ THEI Archive Underwater Mysteries

WOW!! Eden Hotel in Taiwan Has a Batman Suite (Video Report)

Featured Image: Batman. CREDIT: By: ben SOURCE: Clker.com (Public Domain).

From metacafe uploaded by Weird True Facts

If you are a Batman fan then this is made especially for you! Eden Hotel in Taiwan has a customized Batman Suite. The suite is decorated entirely in batman style with a batcave to sleep in, a life-size batmobile and a bat signal shower! Take a look NOW
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Weird News Dept: A Time machine, a 6 inch Space Alien and other weird facts

From National Geographic News by Ker Than Published April 12, 2013

Iranian Scientist Claims to Have Built “Time Machine”

Ali Razeqi says his time machine uses “complex algorithms” to see the future.

It’s not quite Back to the Future, but a young Iranian inventor claims to have built a time machine that can predict a person’s future with startling accuracy.

Ali Razeqi, who is 27 and the “managing director of Iran’s Center for Strategic Inventions,” claims his device will print out a report detailing an individual’s future after using complex algorithms to predict his or her fate . . . Read Complete Report


From Huffington Post Posted: 04/14/2013 9:14 am EDT  |  Updated: 04/15/2013 12:28 pm EDT

6-Inch Space Alien vs. Vatican City Porn Downloads: The Weird News Top 10

All news, not just weird news, is ultimately about one thing — conflict.

You might be talking about Democrats vs. Republicans, DOMA vs. marriage equality, or the Westboro Baptist Church vs. the rest of the world. It’s all about conflict.

In the world of weird news, the lines are drawn just a little bit differently.

So let’s look at some of those conflicts. . . . Read Complete Report


From NBC World News 5 Days ago

Chinese ship runs into protected reef in Philippines — while transporting 11 tons of illegal anteater meat

By Teresa Cerojano, Associated Press

A Chinese vessel that ran into a protected coral reef in the southwestern Philippines held evidence of even more environmental destruction inside: more than 22,000 pounds of meat from a protected species, the pangolin or scaly anteater.

The steel-hulled vessel hit an atoll on April 8 at the Tubbataha National Marine Park, a UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site on Palawan island. Coast guard spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Armand Balilo said Monday that 400 boxes, each containing 25 to 30 kilograms of frozen pangolins, were discovered during a second inspection of the boat Saturday. . . . Read Complete Report


Also check out: WEIRD POLICE NEWS

Weird Crime Around the World: UK, Austria, Houston Texas (USA) (W/Video)

Due to the misconception that the United States has the ‘Lock’ on out-of-the-box crime, we present. . . EDITOR

My close friend and world record holder George Meegan posted:

From George Meegan’s Blog

Deed most foul – UK style


Brute caged for Life – The body was drained of blood. “She’s been on at me and just would not shut up.” The knife “ended up in her” after she’d hit him with a bottle. [New Year Sun newspaper.]

and from Austria:

Charlotte Higgins Blog ( Guardian UK)

Murder Most Foul?

A gruesome episode in Austria has seen an actor slit his own throat on-stage

This takes the biscuit for the weirdest story of the week. Actor Daniel Hoevels, in the final scene of Schiller’s masterpiece Mary Queen of Scots at Vienna’s Burgtheater, slit his own throat when it turned out that the prop knife he was using was in fact a real knife. The knife, mercifully, missed the carotid artery. Otherwise he could have been in real trouble. . . . Read Complete Report


from youtube

Click2Houston – Strange Crimes

Uploaded by havefun082

Uploaded on Oct 12, 2011

This clip was broadcasted in the News at 7:00am by channel 2 on 8 October 2011.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from the staff of THEI! (w/Video)

From Smashing Lists

10 Weird New Year Traditions All Over The World

New Year is a time that is celebrated by all regardless of the origin, nationality and cultural background. People believe that the coming year will fill their life with love, bliss, wealth and good fortune. They pray to get rid of all the ill fated memories of the past. New Year is considered the best time to make promises and resolutions and to straighten ones self. This post compiles 10 funny, weird or freaky New Year customs, traditions and festivals practiced around the globe. . . . Read Complete List with photos.


popping-champagne-bottle SOURCE clker.com Public DomainFrom youtube

Happy Swinging New Year 2013, pianist Jussi Vaarala

Uploaded by jussi vaarala

Published on Dec 28, 2012

Strange, Weird and Freaky Ways People are Preparing for the End of the World on Friday 21 December 2012 (W/Video)

from Globalist Report

Written by Andrew Puhanic
Published on Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Since 634 BC, there have been more than 164 predictions of when the world will end.

Even though none of the end of the world predictions have ever come true, the latest prediction that the world will end on Friday December 21 2012 has caught the attention of millions of doomsday and end of the world enthusiasts from around the world.

Thanks to the Internet, the number of people who believe that the world will end on 21/12/2012 has spread like wildfire. In fact, it has been reported that 10% of Americans believe that the world will end in 2012. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

How The World Is Preparing for Doomsday 21/12/2012

Uploaded by Andrew Puhanic

Published on Dec 13, 2012

From giant floating eggs to underground bunkers, preparations are well under way for the Mayan apocalypse on December 21st – if you take it seriously.

THEI Selected Short Subject: Coincidence or Synchronicity?

from youtube

balloon coincidence Weird Unusual story

Uploaded on Apr 1, 2008 by mediadigitaal

Now There’s A Drug Test For Synthetic Cannabinoids. – the first 21st Century KILLER WEED

Photo: Kronic a popular way for people to get past the drug laws and still have that “attitude Adjustment” when they need it. SOURCE: 109.com

Using poison chemicals that a person knows nothing about is ludicrous. It’s a crying shame that a “free” American has to stoop this low to keep a job or whatever just because he wants a joint to grab a quick attitude adjustment.

Problem is,when you put unknown chemicals in your body that were mixed by someone you don’t know that person might be only in it for the money. That’s ludicrous also. What’s to keep this “chemist” from putting anything in the phony weed to make more profit.

What we  need, is to have access  to the miracle drug that god gave us; not more chemicals to poison our bodies; all so the controllers and their pals can sell us their man made, money driven, poisoning goods without competition.

Young people. Don’t smoke this junk. Please.  It ain’t nothing “like weed” cause’ Weed don’t KILL!. . .  EDITOR

from Toke of the Town

By Steve Elliott ~alapoet~ in NewsProducts

Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 5:57 pm

One of the chief attractions of synthetic cannabinoids — which are, make no mistake about it, NOT “synthetic marijuana” or anything near it — has been that these substances don’t show up on conventional drug screening tests, which after all, aren’t designed to detect them. God knows they don’t have many attractions, and no stoner in his or her right mind would ever smoke these blends if real weed is available.

This has made “herbal blends” (which are actually vegetable matter sprayed with chemicals) popular in such settings as the military and jobs which are subject to piss tests. But even that advantage will probably soon be gone, leaving synthetic cannabinoids the sole province of poor schlubs who can’t score any real weed. . . . Read Complete Report
from 109.com

The Weird History of Synthetic Cannabis

Depending on where you live, scoring actual marijuana can be difficult and risky. But you can get synthetic Cannabinoids at your local gas station. You see them packed into small foil pouches, touting a legal reproduction of a natural high. Local and federal municipalities have taken lengths to remove many from sale, but more continue to pop up.

Why have some of these substances been deemed illegal? Are they as safe as marijuana? Also, is there an ingredient missing from these packages that would normally be a very active constituent of marijuana? Find out the truth about synthetic cannabis below. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube
Dangers of Synthetic Drugs, K2, Spice – Dr. Barry Logan of NMS Labs on Fox 29
uploaded by  on Feb 2, 2012