Photo: The Hellfire Club met at The Hell-Fire Caves. West Wycombe, (Entrance pictured), CREDIT Mariegriffiths SOURCE Wikipedia.
from Aquiziam
(It’s worth looking very closely at the picture (below) There has been much speculation about the layout and the design of the Hellfire Caves. This has been complicated by the fact that the names of the chambers have been changed at least several times. For example, the alcove nearest to the entrance has been called, the tool store, the steward’s cave and the Intersect of Ra. Paul Whitehead’s Cave was once known as the Robing Room (circa 1958). The Miner’s cave was once called the Buttery and the area of caves and pillars near what is called Franklin’s Cave was once just called the Catacombs. . . . Read Complete Report w/photos
Map of the Hellfire Caves with female reproductive system showing the perfect match of the Ovary, Womb, Pubis, Shaft and Testicles. Just a coincidence?
from youtube
Ghost Adventures – S06E08 – Hellfire Caves
Published on Jul 21, 2012
Ghost Adventures Season 6 Episode 8 Hellfire Caves
Go a LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Caves of the World Series
September 6,2012: Caves of the World #1 – Israeli Cave Explorers Return from Record-Breaking Expedition in Abkhazia of ‘Everest of the Caves’ (w/video)
October 2, 2012: Caves of the World #2 – World Heritage Site – Elephanta Caves (India) (w/video)
October 19, 2012: Caves of the World #3: The Cave of Crystals, Mexico (W/Full Video)_