Tag Archive for Would

Will U.S. Troops Fire On American Citizens?

Featured Image: United_Nations General Assembly Hall CREDIT:Basil D. Soufi. SOURCE: Wikipedia-(Public-Domain)

From IntelHub by Avalon & Shepard Ambellas

Who would believe that in the year 2013 one would have to ask if the U.S. Military would fire on American Citizen’s?

April 28, 2013

The question of troop involvement in a possible upcoming Martial Law scenario that is being predicted is no imaginary possibility – nor is it a ‘conspiracy theory’.

Other tough questions are being discussed such as, “Will the U.S. government confiscate Gold and Silver in an economic collapse?” and “Will there be a round-up of American Citizens to be put into FEMA Camps?”

Many believe that the United Nations will be given authority to step in to keep the peace in any civil unrest or economic collapse. This is a strong possibility . . . Read Complete Report

FEMACamps SOURCE info.publicintelligence.net USArmy-InternmentResettlementFeatured Image: Location map of FEMA Resettlement Internment Camps across the United States. SOURCE: info.publicintelligence.net

Tennessee Bill Would Abolish Civil Forfeiture

From IntelHub March 20, 2013

A new bill would eliminate civil forfeiture in Tennessee. Unlike criminal forfeiture, under civil forfeiture police do not need to convict or even charge a property owner before seizing his property. Civil forfeiture turns “innocent until proven guilty” on its head by forcing owners to prove their innocence to recover the seized property.

In good news for property owners across the Volunteer State, State Rep. Barrett Rich, a former Tennessee state trooper, has introduced HB 1078. If the bill passes, seizing property would require a warrant. In addition, forfeiture and title transfer of property would take place only under due process of law and if “the owner of the property in question is prosecuted and convicted.” The bill has one other cosponsor, Rep. Joey Hensley, and is currently in committee.

Speaking to a local news station, Rich outlined how civil forfeiture treatsinnocent owners worse than actual criminals: . . . Read Complete Report

Could The World Be Powered By Lasers? (W/Video)

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Published on Dec 25, 2012

December 24, 2012 KOMO 4 News