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Hello.  My name is Dennis Crenshaw, as editor of THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER Research Report I want to welcome you to our Media Outlet, Research Depository and bookstore. Someone once said that most scientists think that the only "hollow" in the belief of a Hollow Earth was in the head of the believer. Others call it "a belive of the lunitic fringe."   Obviously these knuckleheads hadn't taken the time to look at all of the evidence before their pre-determined assessment.    This is  where THEI comes in.  Since 1992 we here at THEI have  been committed to providing those interested the most reliable source of Hollow Earth & "undergound" information in the world with no spin. (Although I LOVE playing devils advocate once in a while, which I guess technically ... is a spin.).  Oh well. It is what it is .

Your #1 Source for "Underground" information
The Art of Max Fyfield

Is the earth hollow?

This intriguing question has attracted the attention of freethinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through the ages.
Back around 1992, while researching the Hollow Earth Theory I noticed that no one had seriously looked at the subject since the days of
Ray Palmer and Raymond Bernard . THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER (THEI) was started to see if today's knowledge would dispel or support the theory.  I started with a list of about 10 people who were interested enough to send me money to cover the cost of producing an 8 page newsletter. The response was unreal!  I won't give out any numbers because all subscriber information is 100% confidential, however I will tell you that THEI had Insiders in every state of the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. We also had subscribers in Canada, South America, England, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Australia, South Africa, and even Hong Kong. Actually, our subscription base extended into 38 other countries before I shut it down in 1998.
Also to my amazement I found that the theory was still up and running! Even after 30 years the Hollow Earth Theory couldn't be dismissed entirely.  Another thing I noticed about the Hollow Earth Theory - everything that had been written until this point, other than some obscure stuff by Ray Palmer, was only aimed at the 'what'? of the story.
Every story has many parts;
Who? - What? - When? - Where? - Why? 
THEI was designed to cover every aspect of what has been called
the closest guarded secret in the world. 
THEI evolved into a 34 page underground magazine featuring information from a dedicated worldwide group of Insiders researching, not only the Hollow Earth/Subterranean Mysteries, but also reports on the UFO/Alien connection and other earthly mysteries, the New World Order and other conspiracies, plus anything else that is odd and unusual.  In order to keep up to date in this computer age THEI first came on the web as part of
Greg Gavin's onelight.com.in 1995. We started our own webpage in 1998 at www.thehollowearthinsider.com, still our home..  On January 11, 2009 we took to the internet airwaves with our paranormal variety show, "THEI presents Unraveling the Secrets.."  During our first year, with over 30,000 listeners, we were one of the top 200 most popular shows of the  1200+ shows on 

On January 3, 2010 we pushed it a step further by accepting an invitation to simulcast Unraveling the Secrets over another on line network. Then last year we went the full leap and joined with two other top Blogtalk broadcasters, Angel Espino and Jamie Havican and formed our own internet radio and TV outlet, The Soup Media Network . As many of you already know after 2 & 1/2 years on the air I've left my internet radio show, Unraveling the Secrets in the able hands of my friend, co-host and producer, Rick Osmon. The show was a lot of fun and being able to talk to authors, researchers and experts in many, many fields has been the highlight of my life. Thanks Rick for talking me into it.

I did not make the decision to leave the show lightly. I believe that that the internet is the future of communications in the coming new age, although I also believe the major shift is several years away. But I could not get past the fact that, as those who have followed me for years know well, that when I feel it time to change direction I make that change. As most of you know my driving force is to learn research and pass along to others what I find out.
Unfortunately the radio show was not the way to best do that. To be frank I learned a long time ago that most of my time was spent "preaching to the choir." The simple fact is that a blog preaches to a larger choir. That combined with the fact that I feel much more comfortable in front of a key board than before a microphone were a large part of my decision. When I went into internet radio I had to put a lot of personal projects on hold... like this webpage..I decided that it was time to bring my back burner pots to the front and start to let them, boil!

The most important "underground" connections I have been researched and reported on for the past 4 decades is the Controllers plan to create a worldwide society of peons (with those who think of themselves as the "chosen ones" as the leaders). Fortunately information that was once well hidden is now easily recognizable by anyone who pays attention. Its time those of us in the choir start to wake up others. . . THEI will continue to report on the cutting edge of any new information about this and other things that interest all of us.

If you are open minded enough to admit that no matter what the "experts" say,  you nor anyone else really does know positively that the interior of the earth is composed as we are taught. Or if you are honest enough to admit to yourself that you really DO NOT know for certain that UFOs come from outer space. Or, if you can believe the possability of the existance of some sort of  conspiracy by some group or group of secret societies, ancient bloodlines, world bankers etc.,etc. are working their plans with a goal of world domination.  If these are areas you feel need further exploring then ... join us.

Would you like to stay on top of the latest  information regarding the nefarious deeds of the Controllers  and "their" ongoing plans for our future?  Would you  enjoy looking  in on archelogical findings that don't make the "experts" happy?  Keep up on the goings on right under your feet? 

Become an insider along with us as we look into the mysteries of the ages along with visits to exotic locals such as ancient lost worlds and  underground cities; study other possibilities about the origin of UFOs; learn the true story of how the first American's really arrived here; look into new scientific findings without the establishment spin and gobs of other connected areas of deceit and secrecy. If you don't see eye-to-eye with the powers-that-be and refuse to accept the propaganda that is the daily dose of opate for the masses, then...
Welcome to the cutting edge of the lunatic fringe!

On the other hand ...  if you think this is all a BUNCH OF BULL and you are rock solid positive that what the establishment educational system, scientists, politicians, "free" press, and other media tell you is the final and absolute truth...then... adios, & happy surfing!

(Bet ya some closed-minded-hiding-behind-the-skeptic-banner-fool has a ball using the above paragraph and the "lunitic fringe" line completely out of context to discribe my work ... as they have before.  Oh well, as the man sang, "I Pity The Fool.".)



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