Search results for "Time Travel"

NEW! Area 51 & UFO Updates 5.14.2017

Project Aquarius Alien Disclosure at Area 51 S4 [FULL VIDEO]

YouTube ~ Zohar StarGate TV

Published on May 14, 2017

The existence of an Area 51 umbrella projects that covers the study of extraterrestrial biological life forms came to the foreground with investigation of microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch. This mysterious scientist claims to have worked under project Aquarius at Papoose Mountain in an underground biological lab. Burisch obtained over 200 tissue samples from a live EBE known as J-ROD.

Bill Hamilton also presented information in support of Dr. Burisch’s claims. This exciting talk included slides and videos that examine recent findings in Astrobiology, the physics of time travel, and UFO studies together with information gleaned from six months of interviews with Dr. Burisch.

The Aliens have Landed – Battle Star Struck Trek Wars Gate in Indianapolis!

The Aliens Have Landed in Indianapolis!   This will mark the fourth year in a row that this author has attended StarBase Indy. And it is always a fun time. Hanging out with the stars (and fans) of Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, or Star Wars, is an interesting conflagration of weird make up, costumes, (currently) impossible technological gadgets and gizmos, maybe a little magic and time travel for good measure. And it’s an escapist dream come true. Last year I went in my character of Jabez Cain, time-travelling mercenary slash troubadour.

Oz emerges from the Stargate at Starbase Indy 2013 . Image (c) Tuff Shake

As  a truly unique experience, Starbase Indy is right up there with a tenth row seat at a Weird Al Yankovik stage production: Amazing fun, amazing costumes, amazing organization and coordination. It all leaves you wondering just what the hell happened and when can we do it again?   This year, in addition to promoting my books and magazines, we’re there showcasing our newly incorporated enterprise, Possum Holler Entertainment, LLC. Video and audio capture, editing, mixing, reproduction, and performance support, event coordination and promotion. Stop by our table to hear or view some sample pieces and discuss what we can do for you.

[iNSIDE] Tha Jackals Head W/ James Swagger

Join me Sunday Oct 27, 2013 at 10:00pm until 12:00am as I welcome radio host, author, and researcher James Swagger as we tackle the origins of the megaliths/pagans and how Halloween came about, the ancient cosmology of Ireland.

Make sure to bookmark this event, and check out this episode of my show.

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Call in number [786] 245-8127
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Biography []

James Swagger

James Swagger

James Swagger was first introduced to topical science writing for a historical mysteries magazine in Ireland. Sadly it doesn’t run anymore but it did wet his appetite for researching ancient knowledge and lost science in a professional sense. Initially it was for a favor due to his science and engineering background, although his career in this field soon took him away to Europe. James trained as a Systems Analyst in the energy industry. He has a taught Masters degree in engineering, a Bachelors degree in Physics with astronomy, and a Masters degree in Science, Research and Society. Initially James Swagger sought out the megalithic monuments of Western Europe in his spare time travelling around the UK, Ireland, and Denmark. His embrace of a multidisciplinary approach to the research of megalithic sites, and the larger view of ‘passage grave cosmology’ produced his first book,

“The Newgrange Sirius Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Cosmology with Dogon Symbology”.

He also hosts his very own internet radio show called Capricorn Radio, which explores historical mysteries. He interviews fellow authors’ to unveil the true cultural blueprint of humanity. History has always been a passion for James from early on, most notably Egyptology, Assyrian, and Akkadian civilisations of the middle-east.

The megalithic civilisation that dominates most of Western Europe also played a major role when James was growing up. James was born to Irish and Danish parents, whereby both countries host large numbers of well preserved passage graves and megaliths.

He had spent equal time in both countries growing up and we would regularly take the ferry run from Ireland to Brittany to get to mainland Europe. It was on one of these journeys to Brittany that he stopped off in Carnac. It was then in his middle teens, that the mystery deepened for him. He realised for the first time the scale of the megalithic civilisation, that it was lost, and that in the modern world we knew absolutely nothing of it.

It wasn’t until much later that he would research the megaliths in depth. Admittedly James finds the glory of Egyptian and Middle Eastern civilisations much more alluring than the megaliths. The mystery o fthe megaliths however are his first true calling in terms of research.

First time-travel movies reveal surreal universe (Video)

From New Scientist TV posted by Sandrine Ceurstemont, editor, New Scientist TV

17:56 31 January 2013

Time travel in the real world isn’t yet possible. But thanks to new physics flicks, you can now experience an alternate universe to see what it might look like.

Developed by Wolfgang Schleich and colleagues at the University of Ulm in Germany, these first time-travel videos mathematically recreate the weird world of Gödel’s universe. In the first clip, a camera is placed at the centre of this cylindrical universe, simulating what an Earth-like object would look like. Because light behaves differently in this space, as the sphere moves away from you, you see an image of both the front and the back. If it moves above you, it appears as a collection of slices. During its orbit, you see many versions from different time periods all at once. . . . Read Complete Report

Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time (w/ video)

from Message to Eagle

2 June, 2012 – If a person told you he has visited the past or future, you would probably not believe him.

If the same person revealed to you that he is a regular time traveler, you would most likely never talk to him again.

The subject of time travel is considered to be just as fascinating as contradicting. “How can we solve time travel paradoxes? Is faster than light travel really possible?” These are just some of the scientists have been asking themselves while scratching their heads.

People’s interest in the possibility of time travel started a long time.

H.G. Wells book The Time Machine, one of the earliest works of science fiction and the progenitor of the “time travel” opened the way to many more publications and interest in the topic spread quickly. Both the public and some elements of the scientific community began to ponder if time travel made any sense at all.

If traveling back in time is possible at all, it should in theory be only possible to travel back to the point when the first time machine was created and so this would mean that time travelers from the future would be able to visit us, many scientists speculated. . . . Read Complete Report


Some are calling the image an Angel, others a time traveler. What’s your take? . . . EDITOR

from youtube

Published on Apr 28, 2012 by

Are We Visiting US from the Future or is it all Alien Intrusion ?

Found this most interesting article on the site: Chris Holly’s Paranormal World. I have often thought of many of the same things. I thought I’d pass it along. Enjoy! . . . EDITOR

Are We Visiting US from the Future or is it all Alien Intrusion?

by Chris Holly

For many years I did not consider UFO’s , abduction or lost time events were in any way connected to time travel.  I did not believe humans could time travel or that they would return to the past if they could.

I have had a bit of a change in my opinion about this since I have been writing about these subjects along with my own personal encounters with the unknown.  I now feel it is as much a possible answer or an added problem besides Aliens that humans from the future may be those visiting , taking and using the humans of our time now.

I feel this way as I realize we are heading full speed ahead in to a dangerous error of mixing man with machine. I feel it is not impossible we continued down this path until we became as much or perhaps more machine than living biological life. If  this is what our future holds it is not illogical that we lost our way and our ability to continue producing the DNA and other human biological needed elements needed to continue producing human life.  If our future holds a hybrid human who is developed rather than born we may have lost our ability to reproduce without the need of  pure human beings. . . . finish on  web site

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment (w/ History Channal Video report)

Invisibility? Time travel? Teleportation? A Navy ship disappearing and then reappearing? Impossible? Maybe not.
Here is  one of the most persistent legends that has refused to go away, the story of Project Rainbow and the USS Eldridge. . . . EDITOR


from wikipedia

Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment is the name of an alleged naval military experiment said to have been carried out at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA sometime around October 28, 1943. It is alleged that the U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible (or “cloaked“) to enemy devices. The experiment is also referred to as Project Rainbow.

The story is widely regarded as a hoax.[1][2][3] The U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment occurred, and details of the story contradict well-established facts about the Eldridge, as well as the known laws of physics.[4] The story has captured imaginations of people in conspiracy theory circles, and they repeat elements of the Philadelphia Experiment in other government conspiracy theories. . . . Read Complete Report

from History Channel VIA youtube