Search results for "Antarctica"

Finding Life in the Volcanic Systems of the Antarctic Polar Front

Photo: The yeti crabs on the sorting table before being shared out to scientists. CREDIT/SOURCE Hot Vents, Cold Ocean

From Science Daily

Dec. 13, 2012 — Volcanic waters in the cold Southern Ocean are the destination for RRS James Cook’s current expedition. Scientists are exploring a 2-mile deep water system of hydrothermal vents, calderas and cold seeps on the seabed off the coast of Antarctica.

Led by Prof Paul Tyler of the University of Southampton Ocean and Earth Science, which is based at the National Oceanography Centre, the scientists are investigating four sites that were discovered on an earlier expedition to the region. . . . Read Complete Report

Official Website: Hot Vents, Cold Ocean
Friday, 21 December 2012
9 – Collecting the creatures of the deep
When the ROV Isis  finds an interesting place on the seafloor, the sampling begins! Isis  is equipped with manipulator arms that can pick up samples to place them in boxes on the front of the vehicle, but as many deep-sea animals are very delicate, it is usually best to use the suction sampler (see image below). . . . Visit site

NASA Researchers Discover Ancient Microbes in Antarctic Lake

from Terra Daily

by Karen Jenvey and Rachel Hoover for Ames Research Center
Moffett Field CA (SPX) Dec 05, 2012

In one of the most remote lakes of Antarctica, nearly 65 feet beneath the icy surface, scientists from NASA, the Desert Research Institute (DRI) in Reno, Nev., the University of Illinois at Chicago, and nine other institutions, have uncovered a community of bacteria. This discovery of life existing in one of Earth’s darkest, saltiest and coldest habitats is significant because it helps increase our limited knowledge of how life can sustain itself in these extreme environments on our own planet and beyond.

Lake Vida, the largest of several unique lakes found in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, contains no oxygen, is mostly frozen and possesses the highest nitrous oxide levels of any natural water body on Earth. . . . Read Complete Report

The Coldest Journey on Earth

Photo; Sir Ranulph Fiennes SOURCE

from The New York Times

September 21, 2012, 5:05 PM


This week, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the world’s greatest living explorer, released details of his latest undertaking.

Departing at the end of the year, Sir Ranulph will lead a team of six men, including Brian Newham, Ian Prickett and Spencer Smirl, to make the first crossing of the continent of Antarctica during the Antarctic winter. This is one of the last great journeys remaining on our planet. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

BBC News HD – Sir Ranulph Fiennes to attempt record Antarctica trek 2012

Published on Sep 16, 2012 by 

BREAKING NEWS: British explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes is to lead the first team on foot across Antarctica during the southern winter. . . From text posted with video on youtube

Mystery Beneath The Antarctic Ice (w/Video)

from Before its News

Sunday, September 9, 2012 18:02

After 16 years of planning the countdown is on for one of the most ambitious scientific missions to Antarctica. In October a 12-man team of British scientists, engineers and support staff will make the 16,000 km journey from the UK to go deep into the heart of the frozen continent to collect samples of water and sediments from an ancient lake buried beneath three kilometers of ice. Their quest is to reveal vital secrets about the Earth’s past climate and discover life forms that may live in subglacial Lake Ellsworth on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Lake Ellsworth was mapped in detail by scientists using seismic survey techniques. They discovered a hidden lake 12km long, 3km wide and 150m deep, roughly the same size and depth as Windermere in the UK.  . . . Read Complete Report w/ photos & video
from youtube
Antarctica in 5 minutes

Uploaded by  on Feb 3, 2007

From Elephant Island to the Antarctic Circle.

Melting Polar Ice Caps Reveal Antarctic Pyramids? (W/Video)

Photo: Great Pyramids of…. Antarctica? SOURCE Apparently Apparel

I want to know more before commenting on this. . . . EDITOR

from Apparently Apparel


by Zach Royer

NEW! Pyramid Rising: Reviving the Past – Surviving the Future
Contributed by Zach Royer(AA) There’s talk all over the internet about pyramids in Antarctica, something we at Apparently Apparel love towrite about. What appears to be causing all the discussion is this picture, showing what looks like two, possibly three pyramids lined up Giza style, nearly covered in snow and ice.Frankly, I think we’re looking at plain ordinary mountains here, albeit ones of unusual apparent symmetry. But suppose we ARE looking at pyramids (and I think the size of these mountains would preclude that, but that’s just me), or, to put it differently, supposed there WERE pyramids in Antarctica? What would it mean? . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Civilization Found Melting Out of Ice in Antarctica?

Published on Aug 12, 2012 by 

Video about how Antarctica was up way more north. Look at the maps.


Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection (w/video)

from Before its News

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 19:40

Peter A. Kirby, Contributor
Activist Post

Located on an United States Air Force site near Gakona, Alaska, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) is the world’s largest and most functional ionospheric heater. Construction began in 1993. Today, HAARP can generate super high powered beams of directed energy. HAARP is designed to shoot these energy beams 200 kilometers up into the sky; affecting an area known as earth’s ionosphere. In doing this, HAARP can perform a number of functions.

The known uses of HAARP are: weather modification, power beaming, earth tomography (mapping of our planet’s interior), Star Wars-type defense capabilities, enhanced communications, communication disruptions and mind control. For an in-depth discussion about what HAARP does and how it does it, you must read the 1995 book Angels Don’t Play this HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich and journalist Jeane Manning. You can freely access a searchable .pdf here:

Although lesser ionospheric heaters do not generate energy beams as powerful or possess the same functionality as HAARP, similar facilities are located around the world. Along with a smaller facility located near Fairbanks, Alaska, other ionospheric heater locations include: Puerto Rico, Norway, Russia, Tajikistan, Peru and the Middle East. The latest word is that Russia, China and the United States have set up HAARP-like facilities in Antarctica. (Source) . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

What HAARP Is.. And Everything Its Used For.. Full HAARP Documentary

Uploaded by  on Aug 20, 2011

In Depth Documentary On HAARP and Everything Its Used For. This is an Amazing Documentary. I Posted this video to spread the knowledge to everyone who is just beginning to learn about HAARP. Knowledge is Power!!
Please Spread This Knowledge! . . . Text posted with Video

Antarctic: Grand Canyon-sized rift ‘speeding ice melt’ (w/video)

If the new findings that “the Antarctic is home to a geological rift system where new crust is being formed, meaning the eastern and western halves of the continent are slowly separating.” then we have more proof supporting the “Expanding” or “Growing” earth Theory. Which I believes adds credence to the “Hollow Earth Theory.” Of course we also have to ask the question: Where is the source of the “warm water”? . . . EDITOR 

from BBC News

25 July 2012 Last updated at 13:11 ET

By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News

A rift in the Antarctic rock as deep as the Grand Canyon is increasing ice melt from the continent, researchers say.

A UK team found the Ferrigno rift using ice-penetrating radar, and showed it to be about 1.5km (1 mile) deep.

Antarctica is home to a geological rift system where new crust is being formed, meaning the eastern and western halves of the continent are slowly separating.

The team writes in Nature journal that the canyon is bringing more warm sea water to the ice sheet, hastening melt. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Conspiracy of Science – Earth is in fact growing

Uploaded by  on Mar 2, 2007

“This video is a Neal Adams animation about his theory that the Earth is growing. This collides with the Pangea theory. Watch it, you will be amazed. . . . Text posted with video.

“THEI presents “Unraveling the Secrets” with Guest Neal Adams
with hosts Dennis Crenshaw & Rick Osmon
Date Recorded: Fri, September 11, 2009

Retro Classic: The Odd Exploits of Admiral Byrd and The Secret Land – Full film

This is a good intro article into the subject of Admiral Byrd’s mysterious exploits.  I disagree with some of this report and my own research does not support some of the claims, but its a good place to start.

Just remember. As with anything you read or see, either here or somewhere else; Do your own research, then decide.  Be sure and read what I found out through research about the phoney diary, The Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd, Fact or Fiction?  A lot of hollowearthers still think it is the real thing. At the bottom of this post you can GO DEEPER and read all of my Research Reports on Admiral Byrd. . . EDITOR

The Odd Exploits of Admiral Byrd

from Gralien Report

Filed under: Subterranean Mysteries,UFOs — Tags: , , , , — Micah @ 7:45 pm October 25, 2010

Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, historic American icon famous for his explorations of the Earth’s polar extremities, was widely regarded during his lifetime as a pioneer and hero. A decorated naval officer, Byrd even received the Medal of Honor in 1926 for his alleged flight to the North Pole (though the legitimacy of this claim was later disputed by a number of researchers). However, in spite of the scientific and historic merit of Byrd’s achievements, there are less widely-publicized theories which suggest Byrd was onto something that went far deeper than his exploration of the surface world.

The fringe beliefs associated with Admiral Byrd’s exploits spin off in a variety of strange directions, all of which seem to belong more in the realm of science fiction than historic fact. For example, some accounts have claimed the famous explorer, while visiting the polar regions, actually discovered entrances to a vast Hollow Earth, in which lost civilizations with advanced UFO flying craft existed. One book dealing with this notion,  . . . Read Complete Report


The Secret Land – Full film

from youtube

Uploaded by on Jul 8, 2011

The United States Army, Navy, Coast Guard and Marines in Antartica. (1947)

GO DEEPER: Dennis Crenshaw’s Research Reports; Admiral Byrd


Watch The 2012 Transit of Venus – Next time: 2117 (w/video)

Photo: Planet Venus CREDIT NASA (Public domain)

from NASA

On June 5th, 2012, Venus will pass across the face of the sun, producing a silhouette that no one alive today will likely see again.

Transits of Venus are very rare, coming in pairs separated by more than a hundred years. This June’s transit, the bookend of a 2004-2012 pair, won’t be repeated until the year 2117. Fortunately, the event is widely visible. Observers on seven continents, even a sliver of Antarctica, will be in position to see it.

The nearly 7-hour transit begins at 3:09 pm Pacific Daylight Time (22:09 UT) on June 5th. The timing favors observers in the mid-Pacific where the sun is high overhead during the crossing. In the USA, the transit will be at its best around sunset. That’s good, too. Creative photographers will have a field day imaging the swollen red sun “punctured” by the circular disk of Venus. . . . Read Complete Report

Death Chain: Antarctic HAARP Activation

Friday, May 11, 2012 9:29
What are they up to in Antarctica?
Mysterious structures appearing at the bottom of the world are cropping up like mushrooms in a forest after a downpour.
What’s going on in Antarctica?
HAARP is going on: three competing superpowers are in a secret, breakneck race to be the first to control the world’s ionosphere.
Deadly electronic stranglehold on Earth
Many researchers delving into the Byzantine labrynth of the world of HAARP conclude that the network of ionospheric manipulators is nothing less than a diabolocal technologya perversion of Nicola Tesla’s early 20th Century workmalevolant machines engineered for a dual purpose: to unravel the mysteries of the ionosphere and then hijack it.
The discordant harmonies of the HAARP war may be the causal factor behind mass animal deaths around the world; it may be creating eerie harmonics striking fear into people on several continents; and it could be causing maddening sonic attacks driving some people to the brink of insanity in England and Canada. . . . Read Complete Report w/charts. photos etc.