Search results for Ron paul

Ron Paul: Internet Gambling Ban: A Winner for Sheldon Adelson, A Losing Bet for the Rest of Us

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Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

Ron Paul Institute sunday november 16, 2014

Ron Paul Weekly Column

written by ron paul

“The proposed ban on Internet gambling is a blatantly unconstitutional infringement on our liberties that will likely expand the surveillance state.” . . . Ron Paul in report below.

Most Americans, regardless of ideology, oppose “crony capitalism” or “cronyism.” Cronyism is where politicians write laws aimed at helping their favored business beneficiaries. Despite public opposition to cronyism, politicians still seek to use the legislative process to help special interests.

For example, Congress may soon vote on legislation outlawing Internet gambling. It is an open secret, at least inside the Beltway, that this legislation is being considered as a favor to billionaire casino owner, Sheldon Adelson. Mr. Adelson, who is perhaps best known for using his enormous wealth to advance a pro-war foreign policy, is now using his political influence to turn his online competitors into criminals. . . Read Complete Report

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Did You Miss This? Ron Paul: The Collapse Is Close

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees

youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Jul 12, 2014

In this heightened era of government tax and spend — where printing more money is the Fed’s only solution — even our allies are sprinting from the dollar. Nations like Russia and Japan could be turning to the gold standard, and the U.S. is none too pleased.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive Ron Paul

John Stossel ~ Ron Paul: END THE FED! (Video Report)

Featured Image: Ron Paul defending the constitution. CREDIT: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by RonPaulCC2012 on Oct 25, 2013

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Federal Reserve Scam”

MUST WATCH: Ron Paul & Freedom fighters unite at LPAC, and the White House is their target (Video Report)

Featured image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Sep 23, 2013

The third annual Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC) sponsored by Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty (C4L), was a four day event that brought together over 700 people from across the U.S. to “relax among likeminded people” in liberty. The biggest leaders in the libertarian movement were featured and spoke about how they are gaining traction in their campaign to advance the cause for liberty.

Ron Paul Rips Political Foolishness Of Republicans Amid Surveillance Debate (Video Report)

Ron Paul. Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by WeAreTheSavageNation  on Jun 11, 2013


Ron Paul: Syria Chemical Attack Looks Like a “False Flag.” Pat Buchanan & Vladamir Putin Agree (Video Report)

Featured Image: Ron Paul. CREDIT: David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by MarkDice

Published on Sep 1, 2013

Both Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan have said the chemical weapon attack in Syria looks like a false flag event designed as a pretext for America to attack. Russia president Vladamir Putin also said the chemical attack looks like the rebels carried it out themselves to use as a justification for the U.S. to get involved.
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Ron Paul supports Snowden and Manning in Larry King interview (Video Report)

Featured Image: Ron Paul official Congressional portrait, 2007. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica· on Aug 21, 2013

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Edward Snowden”
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Bradley Manning.” 

Ron Paul “In A Libertarian Society There Is NO Military-Industrial Complex!” (+) Eisenhower warns us of the M-IC. (Video Reports)

Featured Image: Ron Paul official Congressional photo portrait, 2007. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).

From youtube updated by MOXNEWSd0tC0M· on Aug 19, 2013

Ron Paul “In A Libertarian Society There Is NO Military Industrial Complex!”

From youtube uploaded by RobUniv

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.

Uploaded on Aug 4, 2006

Dwight D. Eisenhower exit speech on Jan.17,1961.
Warning us of the military industrial complex.

Ron Paul’s Revolution gets its own news channel (video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Aug 19, 2013

Doctor Ron Paul has been the face of Libertarian politics since the 1970’s and now the former lawmaker is set to launch his own Internet based show that will broadcast his views on liberty and limited government. RT’s Meghan Lopez has more on how Ron Paul is taking the revolution online.

Ron Paul “I’m FOR Gun Control!” . . . (C-Span)

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M

August 04, 2013 C-SPAN