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THEI Continuing Coverage: the Controllers War Against US Citizens ~ Target Puerto Rico


09/29/2017 05:45 am ET

The Nowhere-To-Run Diaries: A Week After Maria, Hope Is Fading Fast In Puerto Rico

Source: HuffPost By Hermes Ayala

Problems are a dime a dozen in paradise lost.

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico ― In the depths of the largest public housing project in the Caribbean, activist Antonio Látimer (aka “Puruco”) doesn’t know what more he can do.

“We’re running out of potable water. Out of food. We’ve got a lot of people sick with diarrhea. There’s conjunctivitis sprouts all over and no medicines. No one from the government has come to see us. They’ve left us alone,” Puruco, a former basketball star and now a community leader at the Luis Llorens Torres public housing complex in San Juan, said Thursday. . . . Read Complete Report


Profits vs. Puerto Rican Lives: Trump Admin Blocks Aid from Reaching Devastated Island

Democracy Now!

 Published on Sep 27, 2017 – One week after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump says he will visit the island next Tuesday, even as most of the 3.5 million U.S. citizens who live there remain in the dark, without access to power, clean water, food and fuel. Facing withering criticism, Trump held a press conference Tuesday and denied he has neglected the disaster. His administration also denied a request from several members of Congress to waive shipping restrictions to help get gasoline and other supplies to Puerto Rico as it recovers, even though the Department of Homeland Security waived the Jones Act twice in the last month following hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which hit the mainland United States. We speak with Democracy Now! co-host Juan González and with former New York State Assemblyman Nelson Denis, who wrote about the Jones Act in The New York Times this week in a piece headlined “The Law Strangling Puerto Rico.” His book is called “War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony.”

Message from Puerto Rico to the U.S. Government (2015)

Published on Oct 14, 2015

ENGLISH VERSION Currently, Puerto Rico is going through the worst fiscal crisis in its history. We owe 73 billion dollars to our lenders and we are not generating enough revenue to pay them back, while continuing to provide public services to our people. . . . Read Complete Description on YouTube

Dig a Little DEEPER: Puerto Rico

The History of the U.S. Governments Despicable Treatment of the U.S. Citizens of Puerto Rico

The American Patriot and Hero the Controllers don’t want you to know about: General Smedley Butler

Featured image: A picture of a double medal of honor recipient Smedley Butler. (Note that the light blue ribbons (at the top of his ribbon rack) appear almost white in this overexposed photo.) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

History will repeat if we do not study the past.

Right now we NEED a U.S. General Smedley Butler. ~ Super Patriot, 2 time medal of Honor Hero and Whistle blower Extraordinaire‘. . . EDITOR

From Want to Know

That war is a racket has been told us by many, but rarely by one of this stature. Though he wrote the landmark book War is a Racket in 1935, the highly decorated U.S. General Smedley Butler (two esteemed Medals of Honor) deserves to be heralded for this timeless message, which rings true today more than ever. Below is an engaging two-page summary.


Medalsofhonor2 Wikipedia Commons Public Domain

Image:  The Medals of Honor awarded by each of the three branches of the U.S. military, and are, from left to right, the Army, Coast Guard/Navy/Marine Corps and Air Force. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain). Gen. Smedley Butler earned 2 of the middle ones.

WAR IS A RACKET – by General Smedley Butler

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. In the World War [World War I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted huge gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows. [Please note these are 1935 U.S. dollars. To adjust for inflation, multiply all figures X 15 or more] . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by Reich-Wing Watch

The Fascist Plot to Overthrow FDR (FULL)

Uploaded on Sep 13, 2011

In 1933, Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler was approached by wealthy industrialists and bankers who were plotting to create a fascist veterans organization called the “American Liberty League” and use it in a coup d’état to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt, . . . From description published with video.

From youtube uploaded by James Ambas

Smedley Butler’s Testimoney At The McCormick-Dickstein Hearing And Media Blackout

From youtube uploaded by rltmlt

Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot

Uploaded on Aug 14, 2011

This video tells the whole story behind a fascist coup that was mounted against President Franklin Roosevelt and the United States of America in 1933 by various international banking interests and Wall Street Power Brokers. It also tells the story of a highly decorated U.S. General, Smedly Butler, who single handedly stopped this take over and saved our Republic.and the rest of the planet from a new dark age.
We are now seeing a repeat of this dastardly plan by the same international financial interests using their minions in both majority political parties who have sold out their constituents for large campaign funding donations that insure their continued participation in the very lucrative field of Washington Politics. We have ignored the ongoing corruption of our political system, brought on by the unregulated contribution of large financial donations from private interests, and now we face the imminent demise of our Republic as it is replaced by a Kleptocracy.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Military Industrial Complex”


The Federal Reserve 1913 created by the Controllers – IRS exposed. (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by WeAreONEbigFamily

Published on Apr 20, 2012

JP Morgan , Rockefeller and Warburg are all freemasons which is controlled by Rome (Jesuits).The Rothschilds are The Guardians of the Vatican Treasury and Knights of Malta which controlled by The Jesuit order. USA is under Roman Law – Google Treaty of 1213.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER THEI Archive: “Federal Reserve”

How the Controllers Control the Vote Count: HACKING DEMOCRACY – FULL LENGTH

Featured Image: voting machine on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. CREDIT: RadioFan (talk) SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)

From Disclosure TV by Beforealt uploaded: Oct 23, 2012

From Description  “When you can’t control the Politicians or the voters, then you control the counting! . . .”This movie is called “Hacking Democracy” because voting is a democratic process. They makers are aware that the U.S. was founded as a Constitutional Republic.” . . . Read Complete Description

Disclose.tvHacking Democracy – Full Length

Retro: The Man who originally exposed the Federal Reserve Conspiracy and the Plans of the Controllers: Eustace Mullins (Full Video)

In my mind the most important researcher in America’s History was the late, great Eustace Mullins know to different government agencies as the “Most Dangerous Man in America.”

Were it not for his research, books and lecturers  I believe the Controllers plans of a One World Order might have already been put in place.

However, I believe, that its because of Eustace’s work that more and more citizens are awakening to the world wide conspiracy.   Here is one of Eustace Mullins’ best full length lectures.  Hope you enjoy this informative lecture by one of my most important mentors, and a real American Patriot Extraordinaire. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by anthonyc31

Uploaded on Oct 16, 2011

sFantastic presentation by the late great Eustace Mullins about the Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Eustace Mullins is arguable the best researcher of esoteric topics.

Roots of the Controllers # 6: The Bilderburg Group (W/Video)

Last year we featured the protests outside the 2012 Bilderburg Meeting live with full coverage here on THEI. We will continue to feature live broadcast of any live streaming available for any future ‘secret’ meetings, and protests of this Global movement by the elitist Controllers as they occur. . . EDITOR 

From Globalist Report

Posted by 


 Bilderberg Group Dominates Bloomberg Billionaires Index

Bilderberg Group, an organisation founded in 1954 by the global elite has once again dominated the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

So what is the Bilderberg Group? The Bilderberg Group is a secretive organisation who meets on a yearly basis to discuss political and economic issues that pertain to the Globalist Agenda. Many of the members of the Bilderberg Group are derived from both Government and Private organisations.

All Bilderberg Group meetings are held in secret, with no official record of who attends, the agenda and what deals have been agreed. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube

Secret society Bilderberg is controlling the world

Uploaded by NEO2012anonymous

Uploaded on Jan 17, 2012

Secret society Bilderberg is controlling the world

from youtube
The Bilderberg Group Exposed (Conspiracy Theory) Jesse Ventura

Uploaded by SkyRifter

Uploaded on Feb 6, 2012



Previous posts in THEI’s “Roots of the Controllers” series


Roots of the Controllers # 5: The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations by Myron Fagan (Full Documentary)

While I disagree with some of Mr. Fagan’s beliefs most of his information has held up  since he made these recordings 50  years ago.

So, Just for fun lets do a comparison of information.  First from Mr. Fagan’s 1960s report . . . EDITOR


Myron Coureval Fagan (31 October 1887 – 12 May 1972) was an American writer, producer and director for film and theatre and a red scare figure in the late 1940s and 50s. Fagan was an ardent anti-communist and initiator of the Illuminati conspiracy. . . Wikipedia.

from youtube

uploaded by ruralkiller

Published on May 28, 2012

… Myron Fagan recorded his exposé on the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations in the late 1960’s on three LP Records. …

Now lets look at the subject of the Media Control by the Council on Foreign Relations from modern reporters . . .


from youtube 

Uploaded by leesoarez

Uploaded on Dec 7, 2011

The CFR is an organization sister to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Britain), both founded in 1921 right after World War I when the League of Nations idea failed. The sole purpose of such organizations is to condition the public to accept a Global Governance which today is the United Nations. This is the true face of the so-called Globalists, and Centralized Power is what they are really after. . . . Read Complete post on youtube

The Controllers favorite game plan example: Create the Problem, Then “Solve” It (Video Report)

As I have said many times the Controllers use the same game-plan in many of their schemes as they move the world towards total dominance.  They create a problem. Then promise to solve that problem . Then appear to solve the problem they caused in the first place, while at the same time using the situation to move forward with their agenda. For example the current movement towards taking guns out of the hands of the citizenry. 

Here is a another example of the Controllers game-plan in action. This one seems to be a small part of their ongoing experiments in population down-sizing.. . . EDITOR 

from Brass CheckTV

United Nations source of deadly cholera

Roots of the Controllers # 4: Skull and Bones & the Control of Education (W/Videos)

Had we heeded the warning from John F. Kennedy of the plans of the Controllers and the Secret Societies to gain total control of the world and its inhabitants the diabolical plan might not have reached the critical stage it has reached in the 21st Century.  . . . Editor



from youtube

John F Kennedy Warning America and The World

Uploaded by theinfamousone17

Uploaded on Jul 22, 2008

from Common Dreams

Skull & Bones: The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President Bush

Published on Thursday, January 22, 2004 by Pacifica Radio’s Democracy Now!


“A little-known fact unites Democratic front runner John Kerry and President Bush: they are both members of Yale’s secret society Skull and Bones. We speak with the author of “Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power” that reveals details about the secret society and its members”. . . .

“But there is a fact about Kerry’s past that brings him closer to Bush than any of the other candidates. Both Bush and Kerry are members of a secretive society dating back to their respective days at Yale University – Skull and Bones. This fact has not been widely reported but when Kerry’s campaign spokesperson was asked about it, she said, “John Kerry has absolutely nothing to say on that subject. Sorry.” . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Skull & Bones: Bush and Kerry

Uploaded by daweil

Uploaded on Jun 29, 2007

Bush and Kerry are fellow bonesmen and close relatives, both related to the Queen of England as did many past US presidents.

322, the number on the Skull & Bones symbol is the quote from Genesis 3:22…behold, the man is become as one of us, knowing good and evil…

To establish the continuance of the connections between the different post’s in this series Skull and Bones is one of the offshoots of Illuminati in America. The best understanding of  Skull and Bones and their goals was spelled out by researcher extraordinaire Antony C. Sutton in his highly documented book, “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones.” (FREE E-Book).

from youtube

Charlotte Iserbyt – Skull and Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed
(Full Version)

Uploaded byTheLibertydefined

Published on Mar 18, 2012


THEI Roots of the Controller Series:


Roots of the Controllers Part 1: The House of Rothschild (full Video)


 Roots of the Controllers #2: The Secret Society of Freemasons (W/Full Video)


Roots of the Controllers #3 – The Illuminati ~ Freemason Front Organization (+) NEW Full Length Documentary



Roots of the Controllers #3 – The Illuminati ~ Freemason Front Organization (+) NEW Full Length Documentary

from World of the Wicked

It is well-known that the Illuminati controls Freemasonry from the inside. It infiltrated it hundreds of years ago and became “a secret society within a secret society”. The Illuminati was started in 1776 as a Jesuit front by Adam Weishaupt, who was trained by Jesuits all his life (School, High School, University). His father was a professor at a Jesuit university. He would later become a professor of Roman Catholic canon law at that very same Jesuit university.

He allegedly ‘broke ties’ with the Jesuits and started the Illuminati. This is a lie, though. Weishaupt never broke all ties with the Jesuit order. His Jesuit superiors ordered him to separate himself from the order so that he could set up a front organization that would appear to be entirely separate from the order. . . . Read Complete Report

Illuminati Chart from

illuminati SOURCE


Roots of the Controllers Series

11/7/2012:  Roots of the Controllers Part 1: The House of Rothschild (full Video)

11/9/2012: Roots of the Controllers #2: The Secret Society of Freemasons (W/Full Video)


from youtube

Uploaded on Dec 12, 2010