Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
From the Gardian (UK) Thursday 6 June 2013 16.48 EDT by Charlie Skelton
Bilderberg 2013: Friendly Policemen, a Press Zone and the One Show
Delegates still sped to day one behind blacked-out windows, but the secretive conference is attracting unprecedented attention
Watford, sunny Watford, has changed the hitherto secretive Bilderbergconference forever. In a freshly strimmed corner of the grounds of the Grove Hotel, half a mile from the most important international policy conference in the world, something remarkable happened: the mainstream press showed up. In droves.
Reuters, AP, Channel 4 News, the Times, the Telegraph, the Press Association, London Tonight. The BBC had at least three radio reporters here. . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 4, 2013
Bilderberg Completing Its 60 Year Takeover Plan
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