Featured Image: A stroll on Earth’s moon. CREDIT: NASA (Public Domain)
Is this guy for real? If he is this is some hot information. If not, he must be a dis-information agent who was fed a lot of real information. It’s up to you to judge for yourself and seperate the truth from the bull shit.
One comment on the page is worth including here. This comes from ARCTURUS ANT: “This guy’s name is Pane Andov. he has had contact with ET’s, but he is NOT a astronaut. He shares a lot of truth but HE IS NOT RUSSIAN! he is macedonian. Google him up you will find out alot about his experiences/studies.” . . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by william ross
Russian Cosmonaut Tells What NASA Will not
Published on Sep 3, 2012
Listen to what he is saying if you do not like it go some where else and argue and fight. Who cares who the hell he is. that is not the question the fact is he has come forward. End of story.
From youtube uploaded by TeamDarkMatter
NASA Employee Tells What He Knows
Uploaded on Oct 6, 2009
nasa employee, i belive this is edgar fouche but im not sure.
From youtube uploaded by BADMAN042000
Top 10 space agencies of the world
Uploaded on Aug 18, 2010
Ranking based on achievements, capabilities and future plans of space agency. ppl who want more information about agencies mentioned in the video can check “List of space agencies” at Wikipedia. plz read the list b4 disagree with the ranking.
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