As we have said all along the trouble along our border with Mexico is all part of the Controllers plan to create their North American Union. Although Obama says that there is no problem on the border, most Americans and ALL Mexicans know that to be untrue. We also have said that if something isn’t done about the violence along the Mexican border it will spread into the United States. Well it has and in the worst way. . . . EDITOR
from KRVG.com
Expert Says Beheadings in U.S. Look Like Work of Cartels
Three beheadings in two different states and they happened here in the United States, not Mexico.
Former DEA supervisor Phil Jordan says all three beheadings have cartel written all over them. They happened in Arizona and Oklahoma in the past year.
A murder mystery is now unraveling on a stretch of North Reservation Road in Tucson, Ariz. County workers found a headless man lying on the side of the road Jan. 6. The man’s hands and feet were reportedly missing, too.
“It would lead me to believe the message wanted to be sent. This is one of the ways they do it in Mexico, Colombia and other places,” says Jordan.
Jordan says the cartels are getting bolder in carrying out their beheadings across the border. He says we only used to see these crimes in Mexico.
“They don’t have any borders,” says Jordan. . . . Read complete report w/video
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