Sue and Settle: Regulating Behind Closed Doors

Featured Image: Old Castle Door by Petr Kratochvil

SOURCE: (Public Domain)

What freaks me out that this kind of stuff use to be well hidden, but our country has become so corrupt that now you hear of this type thing all the time and it seems to me that folks do not seem to GIVE A DAMN!. . . EDITOR

From Newsmax (Hard Copy) January, 2014

Activists Use ‘Sue and Settle’ to Block Development


“. . . The trick works this way: outside groups petition the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to add an animal, such as the boreal frog, to the endangered species list. Then just days later, in some cases, they follow up with a lawsuit charging that the federal agency is taking too long to decide.” . . .

. . .”enables regulators and special interests to cut backroom deals” . . . (page 20 Jan. Issue Newsmax magazine.

From U.S. Department of Commerce web page

What is Sue and Settle?

Sue and settle occurs when an agency intentionally relinquishes  its statutory discretion by accepting lawsuits from outside groups that effectively dictate the priorities and duties of the agency through  legally binding, court-approved settlements negotiated behind closed doors— with no participation by other affected  parties or the public. . . . Learn more at web site.

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