youtube by Latin American News Dispatch DECEMBER 14, 2014 7:00 AM
Cuban Laws May Have Changed, But the Jokes Haven’t
“. . . It has been over four years since I sat in those orchestra seats, and much has changed in Cuba. In recent months — between a New York Times op-ed calling for an end to the U.S. embargo and news of Cuban doctors aiding in the Ebola crisis — developments on the island have been particularly present in international media. Just Tuesday, The Associated Press ran a story on Cuba’s rarely discussed television programming. . . .
“. . . Despite the 2013 travel reform, around 25,000 Cubans fled the island by sea in the 2014 fiscal year, the highest number since Castro became president in 2008. Many Cubans cannot afford the visas and plane tickets needed for official travel, reported The New York Times, and conditions on the island are so poor that thousands are willing to risk their lives to make it to the U.S. . . .” . . . Read Complete Report
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