Tag Archive for 2014

Must have future gadgets 2014

Featured image: Google Glass Explorer Edition. Wearable computer. Introductory price $1500 US. CREDIT: Tedeytan. SOURCE Wikipedia Commons. (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

From youtube uploaded by isthereanythathasnt4 on Jul 1, 2013

2014 Western Conservative Conference, Phoenix, 2/21-22, 2014

Featured Image: Western Conservative Conference. SOURCE:  The Western Center For Journalism (Fair Use)

From The Western Center For Journalism

Your Chance To Meet Sheriff Joe Arpio and many more Real Conservative Leaders

Have you ever wanted to meet the conservative leaders who are fighting on the front lines against Obama? Now is your chance.

WesternJournalism.com is pleased to announce that the 2014 Western Conservative Conference will be held in Phoenix on February 21st and 22nd at the Phoenix Convention Center. . . . Read Complete Report

Image: Joe Arpaio, and his wife, Ava, at the 2011 Veterans Day parade in Phoenix, Arizona. CREDIT: Gage Skidmore SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)
Joe_Arpaio_by_Gage_Skidmore_2 SOURCE Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain

Martial Law in America ~ A Lot of Chatter (Video montage’)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by John Doe

Published on Jul 14, 2013

End Times | Obama is bringing Martial Law to America in 2014!

Have you ever wondered why all these drastic alterations are being made to The United States of America?

From youtube uploaded by jogglerswarondisinfo

U S Government getting ready to implement martial law!

Published on Sep 22, 2013

It’s true folks.
Start research here, see, where it takes you…

From youtube uploaded by Economic Collapse 2013 on Jan 17, 2013

Police Insider Warns of Martial Law Coming in 2013

dd395-End-siteDavid Dees

Image: Thanx to David Dees.



“Martial Law”  

“FEMA Camps”   

“Agenda 21″

Federal agency wants black boxes in every new car by September 2014

Photograph via The Historic Houses Trust:  Car crash, night time, early 1940s. Details unknown, but possibly Liverpool street, Sydney. SOURCE Twisted Sister

What is this… smoke and mirrors? They have been putting these things in cars for years, yet now they want to make something out of it. What are they trying to distract our attention from now? . . . EDITOR

from arstechnica.com

by  – Dec 8 2012, 1:57pm EST

But some fear that there isn’t enough built-in data protection for such devices.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has proposed a new unified standard for event data recorders for cars, commonly known as “black boxes.”

Such devices, which are already in use in 96 percent of 2013 model year cars, record various types of data that can be accessed in multiple ways. The agency also estimates that 92 percent of 2010 model year cars have “some EDR capability.” The NHTSA estimates that requiring EDRs would add just $20 in manufacturing costs to each car. . . . Read Complete Report