No# 1 photo presented in in this study. PLA-AF Shenyang J-8 Finback fighters being towed into one of the PLA’s many “super-hardened” underground air bases. Tunneled horizontally into the sides of hills, these bases are unusually difficult to destroy and permit concealed preparations for operation, as fueling, weapons loading and runup activity is invisible to orbital and airborne ISR assets. Note the open exterior blast door (Chinese Internet). SOURCE:
Notice how much China has been in the news lately… buying up your local movie theater chain (AMC), hotels, closed bases…building towns to move their people over. You catch my drift. They’re just spending all that money that they make selling us disposable junk we all buy at the local big box store. Of course we can’t really say anything. That’s the American way – Invest. Make money.
But, The thing that REALLY bothers me is that they are spending a lot of that money on war preparation also.
I found the following Air Power Australia Analysis: “Assessment of PLA Underground Air Bases” to be very thorough, very interesting and very, very troubling. . . . EDITOR
from Air Power Australia
Assessing PLA Underground Air Basing Capability
Air Power Australia Analysis 2011-01
16th February 2011
A Monograph by
Sean O’Connor, BA, MS (AMU)
Dr Carlo Kopp, SMAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng
Text © 2011 Sean O’Connor, Carlo Kopp